Kevin Wong's saved articles

Kevin Wong
Kevin is an English teacher and freelance writer from Queens, NY. You can email him at, and follow him on Twitter.

More stories about Disneyland, please! I never got to visit any of the Disneylands but I love learning about Disneyland. Read more

I’ve never had the joy of going to Disney Land or World, as a kid we were too poor t afford the trip and now as an adult I can afford it but getting time away from work long enough has been a hard thing to do. Read more

I’m not sure why this article is on Kotaku—but I’m totally down for more! Do one for every ride. As someone who has had a pass for almost the entirety of his 31 years of life, these articles would please me greatly. Read more

I’m still surprised at just how many years it took me to notice the hanging corpse in the stretching room. I had been to Disney World four or five times when I was little but I never actually looked up at that point until I was in high school. (As a direct result, I’ve been much more mindful about figuratively and Read more

All Disney needs to do now is add a decapitated head of Eddie Murphy in there and we’ll be all set. It’s the only penance suitable for the Haunted Mansion movie.

Plus, the original effect technically has more of a “how did they do that?” effect than “Oh, it’s a screen with CGI nonsense on it”. Read more

Through some cool circumstances, my sons were able to meet him. He was fantastic with them and they still talk about it to this day. Fantastic guy!

The best part of the Haunted Mansion is that it’s air-conditioned. This ride and Pirates are definite life savers. Read more

I am actually really surprised they had the ghost post thing set to such a low number, with the amount of work required (fabrication of custom packages, puzzle design, app creation, all the work in the parks, network stuff, etc.) they are only (theoretically) going to take in under 200 grand with their asking price of Read more

Another idea integrated a “Museum of the Weird,” where guests could observe oddities such as a melting candle man and a living chair. Read more

I love this ride - it has a magic to it in a sort of “Thriller” kind of campy pseudo-scary. The only part of it I didn’t like (beyond being stuck for 2 minutes in the banging door hallway), is the jumping ghosts from behind the tombstones. They look so out of date with their visable poles under their heads and Read more


The Haunted Mansion! I remember going through the mansion when I was around nine to ten. Of course that meant I really did believe whatever was told me so when the narrator said the ‘ghosts may have stuck to you and are following you now’ line, I panicked and ended up crying during our whole trip haha. It didn’t help Read more

Nah, they’re already getting rid of Maelstrom at Epcot for Frozen. They just ruined the Disney World version of the Haunted Mansion by redoing the final effect to be a stupid interactive video screen effect that’s way way waaaaay off-tone with the rest of the ride. Basically, they Star Wars Special Editioned it. Read more

I had always heard things like this and couldn’t quite believe it until I went to Tokyo Disneyland this year where everything really is pretty much immaculate and it shows. The ride vehicles and popping heads are absolutely silent and the paint on all of the animatronics in the final room gives them an extremely Read more

After being a lifelong fan of the ride, my friend eventually got the break of a lifetime and became an art designer/Imagineer for the Disney theme parks and was working on the most recent revamp of the ride when they put the Hatbox Ghost back in. He said it was pretty shocking to see the disrepair the ride is in when Read more