Kevin Wong's saved articles

Kevin Wong
Kevin is an English teacher and freelance writer from Queens, NY. You can email him at, and follow him on Twitter.

Seriously, thank you so much for bringing this channel to my attention. I recently read an interview with Vince McMahon, mainly about the location of next year’s Wrestlemania, but one of the questions he was asked was about comparing the current generation of the roster to the previous generations. He talked about how Read more

“Numerous pro wrestlers skip the bar these days in favor of late night gaming sessions.” Read more

I am so incredibly impressed by Woods and what he has been able to accomplish. Even the stories of how he got his job with WWE developmental are like cocksure scenes someone would make-up for a biography. Though, as someone currently pursuing a PhD it is a little frustrating to be blowing off work by jumping onto Read more

I think this really just demonstrates how mainstream video games have become. The Y Generation has grown up with video games, and before these people were jocks, odds are they played video games the same way that Gem X played with action figures. As millennials matured, so did video games, and, as a result, they’ve Read more

xavier “will partner with known monster dan ryckert” woods Read more

The New Day, and specifically Woods, is one of the main reasons I started back checking in on the WWE. I still only watch clips and the occasional match, but without them I wouldn’t pay attention at all. Read more

I haven’t seriously watched wrestling for decades, but this guy makes me want to watch. He sounds like a guy that would awesome to hang around with. Read more

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I’ve honestly never watched pro wrestling, but Xavier did a thing for Hot Pepper Gaming, and now he’s my favorite:

The man is amazing in so many ways, and he's single handedly breaking down the idea of what a wrestler used to be, and molding it into something even better. Read more

First off, thanks, I always love wrestling articles that don’t devolve into “hurrdurr, it’s fake, look at these buffoons and the ones who watch it are even worse.” You got it spot on with New Day, what makes them work and what the crowd loves is authenticity. They’re real, real to themselves, real with the crowd. They Read more

His current Twitter icon

The cutman reminds one of old man Brockway in Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man

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Not only that, the cutman will often time wrap the fighter’s hands too. UFC “Stitch” being one of the best, fighters would personally request for him.

My friend and I LOVED the cut man mini game, mostly because after being sleep deprived and pumped full of sugar the funniest thing in the world to us was our commentary of the cut men. We would pretend that the cut man was actually there to torture the boxer, by pressing things into his cuts and smacking him in the Read more

nice article! I remember loving the cutman minigame in Fight Night Round 2. It is a shame that they cut out the cutman (in the game and in combat sports in general). Fight Night Round 2 had such a unique feeling to it, since it seemed like only half (or less) of the game was about actually fighting your opponent. Read more