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Kevin Wong
Kevin is an English teacher and freelance writer from Queens, NY. You can email him at, and follow him on Twitter.
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I originally wanted to argue that DS9 should be higher, but after reading your points I’m kinda forced to agree with you. I love DS9, and I struggle to decide whether I like it or TNG better since both are amazing in their own ways. I will also say that Voyager was a fantastic intro as well.

I think I knew that but still surprising just how much. Down to the art, style and even the characters’ poses and expressions. Read more

If they literally just make WWF No Mercy as the exact same game, exact same rosters, just with graphic and music polish, and don’t touch anything else (add online play), the game would sell like crazy.

Hell they could probably just port the thing exactly the same over the PS4/XB1 with just an increase in resolution Read more

Careers was our favorite game as kids, made all the more amusing by the anachronisms on the board. Read more

Ok, so it’s not just me that feels that the WWE games have shown a massive loss in quality over the past couple years. I kinda stopped really getting into them when they cut back more and more on the create-a-wrestler options.
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I absolutely hate what 2K has done to the series. Read more

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Okay so we may disagree about DS9 but I’ll agree that Enterprise’ intro definitely grew on me.

I am manager of an indie video game store and we deal in all consoles, Coleco to PS4 and retro is a pretty big deal, this year N64 exploded, some cartridges that sold for 40$ (3 months ago) are now 60$. This morning a guy came in with boxed SNES RPGs, the guy went back home with 1100$ more in his pocket, we’ll make a Read more

Personally I almost completely agree with the rankings, except I would put DS9 higher. I’m sorry, I get what you’re saying about Enterprise’s opening and visually it was GREAT. But the music, just no, no no. I really liked the severity of DS9’s opening, its sternness actually went really well with the themes of the Read more

I’m making my way through DS9 now and I will say don’t skip it. The first two seasons are... rocky, but the show gets better and better as time goes on and is well worth the journey.
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I can understand the reason for Next Gen being #2, based on it not being wholly original, but at the same time, out of ALL the intros, the only ones that make me want to *watch the show* are TNG, TOS, and TAS. And it really all comes down to the music.

My problem with Voyager, though, is I don’t find that it sets the Read more

Firm disagreement.

I came to say Voyager should have been close to number one, but I was totally surprised to see it was number one! Read more

Forgot Voyager’s subtle reflection in the ring system right before the eclipse sequence.
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I’d love to have my collection appraised sometime. I’ve got over 500 games, 400ish of which are “retro” (in this case, meaning pre-7th gen, non-inclusive lol) almost all of which are in immaculate condition, almost all have original manuals and artbooks, artcards, etc, some of which are even still factory sealed. Read more

An interesting note: I bought one of these when they came out years back and never opened it. I found it in my basement 2 months ago. I sold it for FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS on amazon. I was happily amazed.