“Equity” Residential. Read more
“Equity” Residential. Read more
Recently, Jessica Coen shared a photo here of how I prefer to fly with my tiny child. A lot of folks in the comments…
Nice to see some diversity in games. I’m sure some people will complain about SJW but who cares, we need more characters beyond the mid 30’s white guy or busty white chick. Read more
Kevin: Read more
It used to be that a player's 'extra lives' were an immediate, ever-present concern. It's a staple from the arcade era; there had to be a "Game Over" so that someone else could play, and also so people could keep sticking quarters into the machines. And so, when video games made their way over to the home consoles,… Read more
My view on this has changed over time. I have been gaming since the 70's so I have lived the transition. I use to enjoy the games where you really had to try things over and over again until you got it just right. Jumping through a certain area without falling, getting past a boss, etc. Read more
If you punched its center block, you received a Yoshi. If you already had a Yoshi, however, this block would contain a 1-Up. A dedicated player who grinded it out could rack up all the lives he or she needed for a playthrough. And suddenly, the coins, once so crucial and valuable, lost their meaning. The average… Read more
The timing of this article is crazy- I just started playing Diablo 3 a couple months ago and started a hardcore character yesterday... and then another one because that one died.. Then another :( Read more
But what works in one medium doesn't necessarily work in another, and there were some home console games that suffered from having a lives system. With arcade games, you actually had an indefinite number of lives, so long as there was some spare change in your pockets. But now, with the home consoles, a 'lives system'… Read more
In Double Dragon III, for example, you were given a single life at the start of the game — not nearly enough for a game of its difficulty. Ninja Gaiden was another game, filled with perilous jumps and 'bounce back' physics, where the difficulty of the levels didn't match with the number of chances you had to conquer… Read more
It used to be that a player's 'extra lives' were an immediate, ever-present concern. It's a staple from the arcade…
You know what's fucked up? Reading this, my first strong reaction was "Kamau, you can't buy something and not get a bag! You know better!!" As a black man, I can't stress how often my parents and older siblings drilled into my head the fact that I could never, ever buy anything without getting a bag and, if possible,… Read more
Well, almost every full-time employee, anyway. Our friend András couldn't make it from Budapest to join, but this is…
Oh, and, from left to right, back to front: Read more
I'm not a wrestling viewer myself, but I think the gist of it is similar to the following example: A gladiator gets a thumbs up from everybody in the Colosseum, but the Emperor has him beheaded anyway. Read more
"Hello sir, welcome to the WWE Restaurant. My name is Vince I'm the manager of this fine establishment. Can I interest you in some fries or perhaps a juicy burger or maybe this delicious pizza or THIS AMAZING CHEESESTEAK!" Read more
You'd think that the first weather-related cancellation of an episode of Monday Night Raw in the show's 1000-plus…