Jason Schreier's discussions

Jason Schreier
News editor. Author of Blood, Sweat, and Pixels.

My apathy about Destiny 2 has extended to my article ledes. Here’s hoping they can bring me back. Read more

It’s really good! The writing and voice acting leave a lot to be desired, but having played it this past weekend with my fiancee, I think it’s a really good game for couples. Read more

That’s actually not an easy question to answer. I hear a lot of things that I file away in the back of my head as potential stories, and at various points those potential stories might become more or less active, depending who I’m talking to or what my workload is like on any given week. Read more

Yeah, to be clear, I think there’s absolutely zero reason to trust that any multi-billion-dollar corporation will do things in our best interests. And it’s remarkable that games have stayed at $60 for over a decade, anyway. If anything, that number’s only going to go up given how much game budgets have inflated. Read more

I think that will only be doable if and when GameStop disappears. My understanding is that the main reason that big publishers haven’t been able to slash prices on digital goods is that retailers would freak out. Read more

Hey, speaking as someone who has been watching The Simpsons since the very beginning and who considers it an inextricable part of his personality, you should check out The Problem With Apu. It’s a well-made documentary and may make you think twice about the character, even if you love him. It’s okay to love things Read more

You can actually get it on a lot of modern platforms right now, including PC! It’s aged really well and I recommend it to everyone — just use a guide for all the spells and whatnot. Read more

I used to play a lot of AvPMUD (a PvP mud based on Aliens) and then started my own called SuikodenMUD (because of course I did). Read more

He’s such a smart guy. Also, I swear my posture is not really that bad. It was just a small screen! Read more

Try Curse of Monkey Island - thanks to the voice acting and animation, it holds up better than many of the 2D ones. (Skip Escape, though, which felt clunky even when it came out!) Read more