Jason Schreier's discussions

Jason Schreier
News editor. Author of Blood, Sweat, and Pixels.

As I pointed out in the piece, that’s already happening. The only reason that big game companies haven’t outsourced EVERY aspect of game development is because the talent isn’t there. Publishers are already trying to cut costs and maximize profits at every turn; unionizing is not going to change that. Publishers will Read more

Yeah, it was very refreshing to be able to finish this without having to play for 70 hours. And there’s no pace-shattering secret final act this time! I will say, though, it’s important to keep up with the kingdom building or you could find yourself hitting a wall. (I’m gonna run a tips post on Friday that recommends Read more

The original one is great, but tedious in a lot of ways, and the combat system can be frustrating. You should play it just because it’s a good game, but you don’t need to play it before this one. And this one is much better. So just skipping to NNK2 wouldn’t be a bad move. Read more

Not at all. It’s just worth knowing what you’re getting into. Read more

It’s tough to get into details without spoiling what happens, but I’d say the ending felt unearned and unsatisfying. Read more

What do you think will put me out of a job first, HTML or random people on the Montreal subway? Read more

Whew, then it’s a good thing we already know all the basic info. Having to sit through a month-long ARG just to get the name/platforms/release date would be a pain, if that’s how they’re doing this. Read more

I am indeed working on a second book, but I don’t think it’ll be quite the same as the first. More LTTP -> OOT than OOT -> MM. Read more

You don’t have to go all out, but you do need to pay attention to Evermore and upgrade a few key buildings to make progress in the main story. One section at the end of the game, for example, requires you to have a level 4 weapons’ building. Read more

Yeah I don’t think it’s a big secret that they’re doing a sequel. I cannot wait to play that. Wonder if it’ll be on PS5, or cross-gen? Read more

The story has always been finished. The ending is stellar. Problem is, the original version of the game had a lot of loose threads and unexplained lore, making it feel disjointed. For the past year they’ve been trying to fill in the holes, and they’re continuing to do so in the coming months. Read more

EA is the game’s publisher and DICE’s parent company. People who work for DICE are employees of EA, and people who strictly work for EA are heavily involved with the marketing, sales, and publishing of every single game they put out, including Battlefront II. Read more

I’ve never actually cared enough about cosmetics to spend real money on them, but it’s so crazy to me that apparently companies can make more revenue off slot machines than they would if they just sold things piecemeal in a store. It really is predatory, appealing to the secret (or not-so-secret) gambling addiction Read more

I did not! I want to finish this one, then Rise of the Tomb Raider and lots of other new games, but is it worth adding Origins to my list? Read more

This is the first time he’s emailed me in a while. He hounded us a lot after Sandy Hook.