One of the most persistently annoying mechanics in Hearthstone is Taunt. When a minion has Taunt, you have to attack…
One of the most persistently annoying mechanics in Hearthstone is Taunt. When a minion has Taunt, you have to attack…
Hearthstone has shifted and bent its shape a handful of times over the years. When its first Naxxramas-themed…
Hearthstone’s science-themed expansion The Boomsday Project drops tomorrow, and players are out in numbers doing…
On December 22, 2017, when SpaceX launched its Falcon 9 test rocket and lit up the skies of Los Angeles with a…
Hearthstone is a game about careful preparation, where you amass a grand collection of cards so that you can build…
No Hearthstone card is bad on its own. Sure, some underperform in certain decks, in certain metagames, in certain…
When PSY’s “Gangnam Style” dropped in 2012, everything about it felt ephemeral. Funny enough to warrant attention…
Update, June 8, 12:20 PM ET: Since the publication of this story, Blizzard has addressed the backlash over patch 11.2
In Hearthstone, the art of deck building has always taken a relatively specific shape: You choose a win condition…
Since Blizzard’s Hearthstone launched in 2014, 1,594 cards have seen the light of day, some incredible, some…
There is no objective way to measure whether something in a game is fun or not. But in the context of competitive…
When Hearthstone glitches out, you can see it. Cards fall into crevices of the board they should never go. Graphical…
Now that all the cards from Hearthstone’s Witchwood expansion have been revealed, most streamers and analysts are…
The object of Hearthstone is to bring your opponent’s life points down to zero, so it stands to reason that Ice…
Hearthstone is a game for haters. It’s expensive; its metagame stands still for months; no matter how well you play,…
After three long months with Hearthstone’s dungeon-crawling Kobolds and Catacombs set, Blizzard has just announced a…
Hearthstone is about to get a feature that fans have been begging for since its earliest days—a mode that lets you…
There comes a time when every Hearthstone metagame grows stale and players get tired of seeing the same competitive…
Hearthstone’s biggest tournament of the year, the HCT World Championship, is officially underway in Amsterdam. To…
Every once in a while, a formerly crappy Hearthstone card finds its place in a deck and works so well that it starts…