If you own (and use) a Nintendo 3DS, you've probably noticed that the system's top screen can get marked up and…
If you own (and use) a Nintendo 3DS, you've probably noticed that the system's top screen can get marked up and…
In case your summer goals included becoming a Pokemon master, you're running out of time to catch 'em all!! Hurry!
Yes, the Angry Birds have finally met their match. The Bitter Pills have done what the Pigs never could—stop the…
Metro: Last Light's newest trailer is actually two minutes of gameplay, and it's a well-chosen two minutes. Most…
Since Nickelodeon decided to start airing '90s programs this week, I think it's only fair to remind everyone of how…
The Date-a-Gamer website GameCrush is supposed to be about friendly gaming with sexy singles. However, it's new…
If you really really want to go to the live Call of Duty XP event (and who could blame you) but can't swing the $150…
Another week, another Wednesday...the heat wave is over (for now...) but just in case it sneaks back onto the radar…
Maybe Socrates is in San Diego. If you're there too... bring us home some swag like a good friend, will ya? The rest…
In case you've been waiting patiently for The Legend of Zelda Symphony Concert, good news! You'll only have to keep…
Ah Wrestling. The noblest and most realistic of the Pay-Per-View programs. Anyone else feeling nostalgic for Andre…
Turns out the commercial that Robin and Zelda Williams put out last month was not alone in the universe. Zelda…
We reported almost a year ago that spiritual teacher Deepak Chopra teamed up with THQ to build a video game that…
It's Friday, and all I want to talk about is Harry Potter. But unless it's video game related, I'm gonna have to…
Last year, Microsoft bought a company called Canesta. Canesta, a gesture-recognition company, is the way to the…
Following Nathan Fillion's important PSA last week, The Big Bang Theory's Kaley Cuoco addresses an important…
Xbox Live now carries gear to dress your avatar like your favorite Guild member. Costumes and staffs are available…
Jen: So Sam, If you could have your dream HP video game, what would it be like?
A little over a year ago, Roger Ebert was publicly denouncing the potential of video games to be considered art.…
While playing Tiny Tower, do you worry about your Bitizens' happiness, or ignore them in favor of staffing your…