“Nailed It, I Know. Thank You. Moving On.” is probably my favorite line in Remake. The Don Corneo section was such a fun part to play through. Read more
“Nailed It, I Know. Thank You. Moving On.” is probably my favorite line in Remake. The Don Corneo section was such a fun part to play through. Read more
Some context for confused non-Americans reading this.
In America, our ability to afford doctors is tied up to our employers (should you be fortunate enough to be employed) and even then, most employers choose the cheapest available care. We’re talking no vision, no dental, specific doctors that are “out of network”… Read more
Shits gonna get real weird over the next decade.
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Honestly today was the biggest point in favor of the “we need more imagination/variety” argument. Read more
Furthermore, the menu description indicates that they’re made from little pizza dough orbs rather than, you know, a video game character’s junk, which is quite a relief. Read more
I suddenly have a mighty need for Amano art of Batman suplexing a train. Read more
That last paragraph is the most important one. Speaking as a professional in the industry, there are very few, possibly zero, degrees in game design I’d feel comfortable recommending to a student. Getting into the industry in general is extremely hard, and design in particular suffers from a brutal “need experience to… Read more
...and that’s another W for the FFXIV devs. Read more
There’s another one in Raya Lucaria where you can actually stand in and look around more than that spot.
My favorite besides these is probably everyone labeling everything as a dog Read more
Patches originates in a PS2 game called Shadow Tower Abyss which is basically the Bloodborne of the King’s Field franchise.
Be on the lookout for: Read more