I hope you don't have any fond memories of the Hundred Acre Wood, because they're all about to be replaced with…
I hope you don't have any fond memories of the Hundred Acre Wood, because they're all about to be replaced with…
Start flipping open those cute puppy calendars your parents bought you, and pull out your Sharpies, because it's…
So close, Capcom, and yet so far. 2012 had the potential to be a real banner year for the developer. Starting from…
Sometimes you just have to buckle down and put out good games. Take-Two Interactive—and their branches, 2K and…
Bonjour friends! American gaming's Franco-friends Ubisoft had quite the year, releasing or showing off games for…
The calendar year is coming to a close for the recently crowned Worst Company In America (doesn't that polished turd…
Oh, Valve. If a company is doing this well, then you know there must be something incredibly sinister going on…
Bethesda announces new content coming for Rage (Yes, Rage) in The Scorchers DLC pack, out next Tuesday. Read more
Well, someone had to go first. As far as history will be concerned, Nintendo did one thing and one thing only in…
We're currently taking a look back over 2012, not only at delivery foods we've ordered and personal mistakes we've…
As the year winds to a close, it's becoming possible to get some perspective on just what happened in gaming this…
With a "launch window" that appears to be of the floor-to-ceiling variety, there have been questions about when some…
In a roundtable discussion posted on Nintendo's website last night, president Satoru Iwata and the team behind Ninten…
Fire up those warp pipes people, because the man behind Disney's hit Wreck-It Ralph has designs on bringing…
Originally announced at E3 all the way back on June 15th, 2010, Animal Crossing on 3DS has been one of the most…
Either Freddy Jr has discovered a particularly brutal glitch in Far Cry 3 or the vehicles of Rook Island have some…
Free from the tyranny of Apple, the weirdo app Boyfriend Maker has landed on Android. Read more
If you liked Pokémon's deep gameplay, rewarding collection system, fun beasties, and memorable soundtrack, but were…
This Friday marks the 10th Anniversary of Spike TV's Video Game Awards, and it's sure to bring a bevy of exclusive…
While they might be getting the most attention for their as-yet-unnamed Kickstarter project, Double Fine actually…