Heather Alexandra's discussions

Heather Alexandra
Former Senior Writer and Critic at Kotaku.

I asked about this is the answer was underwhelming. Because Switches require a primary account or whatever, it’s not like you can play on your original in the living room and then head to the bedroom to continue on your Lite.

You *can* kinda do it if you keep changing what Switch your account it tied to and get Read more

I didn’t really experience any notable differences one way or another. No real dips, but I imagine if I was in the right areas in BotW I would have seen it. It really does operate almost exactly like the regular Switch. Read more

I saw some folks manage it. If anything else, it’s less room take up in a travel bag if you’re on a trip. Read more

The hell makes you think I care about how much hardware Nintendo sells? This could crash and burn and I wouldn’t give two damns. Read more

Communities choose their rules. If everyone *actually speedrunning* the game agrees that this is acceptable in Any%, then it is. There’s not much to it than that. Read more

Not when it comes to determining worth or telling someone if they should buy a product. “Worth” is subjective for a lot of reasons, and I’d rather tell someone if a game works as a piece of art.

When it comes to advocating for ethical design or business practices that don’t exploit consumers? 100% yes.  Read more

I’ll say this: I love what I do, but I would never suggest this work to anyone looking for stability or comfortable mental health. I write because I *need* to write, y’know? Read more

Have you seen the trailer for the next NBA2K story mode? I’m so excited! Read more

The same you can do when anyone is having trouble: let them know they are appreciated and valued. That sounds like it’s a touchy-feely bullshit answer but it really does matter. (I know, I know. You didn’t say personal but I want to stress it.)

On a practical level: if you are aware of a threat or something, inform the Read more

I’ll sometimes sneak online during the night shift stuff to talk with Luke, and I occasionally catch Bash from time to time.

Luke and I, in particular, play a lot of the same types of games. Ashcraft is one of the only people on staff I’ve ever been able to talk about baseball with. Read more

HamNo, Redford, Charles Pulliam-Moore, Milt, and somehow we’d bring back Hannah Keyser for a day to write about a random fandom. Read more

Soda. I think the strangest regionalism I actually have is calling water fountains (like where you drink) “bubblers.” Which I gather is a very New England thing. Read more