Heather Alexandra's discussions

Heather Alexandra
Former Senior Writer and Critic at Kotaku.

Bare minimum, I don’t think the issues (what little there seem to be, it’s more like minor eye-rolling at best) people might be having are because it looks like anime. Anime fuckin’ owns and more people than ever are watching it. Flattening a wide range of aesthetic complaints to something so simple would be a mistake. Read more

I, for one, get *really exhausted* explaining that a) trash is often fantastic and that b) fanservice is more than often fine in my book.

Code Vein’s a fun game so far. I say as much in this very article! I loved the character creator, I’m onboard with the edginess and cheese, and even if combat’s a bit floaty it Read more

I agree that I probably want some more stagger, but I also think the game really wants to emphasize dodging and to a lesser extent, parrying.

That said, it’s always hard to grasp the full depth of any combat system from what is functionally a demo. So far I, think it works if you play it a bit more like Nioh than Dark Read more

I think that if the goal was to make it feeling like a continuation of Thy Flesh Consumed, then it mostly works. I also know that not everyone’s gonna be into that anymore.

Like, it’s hard and has cheap shots. On UV, lack of ammo feels like a pretty huge problem. But it’s playful and there’s still a lot of Read more

As far as I’m aware from the event, Trusts are limited to story dungeons. They’re neat though, giving comments and stuff. In one instance, a boss created this gap with a thin path we needed to cross and Alisae walked nervously across it.

They’re definitely not the best sub for other players, but they’re good enough to Read more

I think, at least in FF8 lore, it vibrates the blade to make the slash all badass? In FFXIV, there’s a handful of ranged abilities for attacks and tossing mitigation on teammates. Read more

Relative to what I expected? I think so. If it helps, after this story was published, I made 2 million in a single session so.... mileage varies from day to day. Read more

I played a whole dungeon with White Mage, and I’ll be able to tell you more next week. Read more

You’d basically just have your main tank in Grit/Defiance/Whatever and your off-tank in “no” stance. Read more

I mean, it’s not like they’ve downloaded a trainer and change a few X values. They’re not opening up the data with some special program and loading a special save file. It’s all achievable in game. Read more

From the article: “In three Zelda games, Skyward Sword, Twilight Princess, and The Wind Waker, you can use a glitch to access a trick called ‘Back in Time” or BiT.” Read more

Well, good news! I’ve actually heard from the developer just now that it should for for al iOS devices and that it will be on Android starting tomorrow. Read more

He’s using save states to play through segments and running those inputs as a single playback. So it is a Tool-Assisted Speedrun. The only difference being that goal is the best possible but rather the best *realistically achievable by a human being*.

(Total aside since we’re talking about terminology but it’s “segment Read more

Sort of. Because it’s not about seams showing. It’s about characters asserting control. Read more

Bare minimum, it definitely sounds like you and I agree that Rousey’s behavior was tasteless. For me, that’s a major part that issue. That she has a history of other controversies only exacerbates the issue. Read more