Heather Alexandra's discussions

Heather Alexandra
Former Senior Writer and Critic at Kotaku.

Yeah dude, all I’m literally talking about here is the legibility and usability of the in-game map. Which is #notgreat. Read more

I mention that near the end of the piece. Getting smarter about my building will help a lot but even with that in mind the map is a pretty underwhelming tool in a game that’s otherwise super polished and fun. Read more

Hi Kirk, Hi Ethan. Gonna chime in my thoughts. I hope you’ll indulge me.
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Quick comment to note that I don’t think all maps should be like this. I’m still a Miramar defender and enjoy the long range stuff there and the very deliberate movement meta-game. This was just really refreshing and I’d love to see maps experiment with all sorts of sizes. 6x6 next time? Read more

Depends on what you want from Sea of Thieves. Do you want to raise your numbers higher and higher? You can do that, for now, to a certain point. Read more

You have to fire it a certain height in the air or else the drop doesn’t come. I had a teammate fire it too low and all that did was give away our position to everyone around us. Read more

Now, take Sir Francis Drake; the Spanish all despise him
But to the British he’s a hero and they idolize him.
It’s how you look at buccaneers that makes them bad or good,
And I see us as members of a noble brotherhood! Read more

What if I told you, Neo, that No Man’s Sky was a good game from launch? Read more

I think it’s because there’s not really a great option for editing the buttons in same way you can on Bluestacks but I just woke up and still need coffee so folks can correct me if I’m wrong there. Read more

I wouldn’t be surprised to see some type of more concrete punishment for dying as the game develops. I think the key thing that Rare realized, listening to feedback, was that this early in the game wasn’t quite the time. Read more

Agreed about the slower pace. That’s why I’m not as keen on Fortnite. That said PUBG’s light-sim at best and honestly closer to an arcade game that people ever want to admit. Read more

I’ve gone back and forth on it. I understand the scramble and love the tension it brings but in the end, I’m down to see the main game streamlined and made a bit more accessible. Read more

Super good game! I think Virginia probably gets a little too wild, at least near the end, but I really liked it. It was on my 2016 Top Ten. The soundtrack does a lot of the work as well.  Read more