Heather Alexandra's discussions

Heather Alexandra
Former Senior Writer and Critic at Kotaku.

If you really want the “Heather isn’t fucking around version,” here it is:

Loot boxes are, ignoring the hair splitting of insufferable pedants like yourself, gambling. They are crafted, from probabilities to visual to their contents, to condition individuals and encourage repeated purchase and use. People with Read more

Worker and consumer rights are absolutely moral issues, largely because compensation for labor and the cost of goods (at least under capitalism) is fundamentally exploitative in execution. Usually, we roll with it and that’s fine. For instance, I don’t have a problem giving my guy at the bodega a buck for a soda even Read more

Okay, some further editorial.

Loot crates have always been a moral issue that the industry (publishers, devs, journalists, influencers, and whoever else) has mostly ignore or dismissed and that’s incredibly screwed up. Even cosmetic focused crates, which don’t affect gameplay, use specific audio/visual cues and Read more

Would have been better to have it “Believe, doubt, accuse.” Good Cop and Bad Cop convey tone but hardly express what the player will actually be doing. Read more

I’m in New York. Nothing really fazes anyone. I don’t travel with it often; it’s mostly when I need to bring it into the office to capture footage. Passes the time nicely and while some people do look in that “Oh hey, a Switch?” kind of way, it’s not really much different than playing a cellphone or Vita. Read more

Luke’s been pushing a theory on me that these are scenarios that were concieved for the main campaign but didn’t quite make the cut. It would definitely explain the movie studio setting in Valiant’s segment. That feels like something that could have fit before the Venus stuff. Read more

Yeah, Gunslinger Joe has my favorite character concept. It’s wonderfully pulpy. But I don’t think this episode really managed to take advantage of his ability and strengths. Read more

I’ve been enjoying it during my morning commute, if I’m not in the mood for Stardew Valley. It only runs at 30FPS and the visuals aren’t as crisp as the Playstation 4's but it seems like a decent port. Read more

Okay, so.. I pretty much never give purchasing advice; it’s not really my job, y’know? But that noted, I do think folks should hit up Sonic Mania before they consider Sonic Forces. It’s one of the best games of the entire year.

Sonic Forces is fun and stupid. It’s full of shitty rock tracks and giant mascot battles. Read more

His name is Doctor Ivo Robotnik and anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is selling something. Read more