Heather Alexandra's discussions

Heather Alexandra
Former Senior Writer and Critic at Kotaku.

It’s part of a cut first draft where he and Scott formed a psychic link during the accident that killed Jason. As I recall, the idea was that every time Scott kills, Ethan blacks out. Read more

I think it’s an inconsistent game. The start is actually pretty decent insofar as it grounds players in the world. Extended time with Ethan is important if we’re going to buy into his struggle and outside of Madison, the character introductions work. Meanwhile, the middle is a bit rough for Jayden but it where most of Read more

I’m going to assume you were the guy who did that to me this weekend. We’re now in a blood feud that will last centuries. Sorry, not sorry. Read more

Endgame is all about who budges first, yeah. Top three is positional tic-tac-toe and whoever makes the first made dash tends to lose out. It was my bane over the weekend and something I need to adjust not that I’m calm in firefights. Read more

I’ve definitely thought about that a lot and it mostly affects hills at a distance. I keep settings low and can spot someone hundreds of meters away for an easy snipe but in the think of it, most people rush by me if I’m in any type of shadow. Helps that some of this was addressed in patches.

We’ll see how this shakes Read more

Pretty much the same to reach Ice Cream Queen. I had about an hour. My highest power was 1895.8. Matches were pretty good and we won a lot against Cake teams with the exception of what I can only describe as a Korean pro team style execution during one match. Read more

I know you’re just joshing a bit but I will say that I like Heavy Rain quite a bit. To the point where I tend to forgive some of the structural issues other people have re: plot holes and such. But as I look back on it now that I’m older and a bit more aware, I can definitely spot other issues that really drag it Read more

I’m pretty sure that our next narrative game for the stream is going to be L.A. Noire. We might get to Beyond Two Souls sometime down the road. Read more

Can’t I agree with the analog but I’ll still try to break down how I personally see it: Read more

I’m not so sure, if I’m being honest. Damage boosting is an intended mechanic. Link is supposed to get tossed when hit by a strong attack like a bomb or Iron Knuckle axe. The trick merely times a jump slash at the right moment, in combination with the boost. Read more

I think it really is a more philosophical split. Gate Skip cuts out an entire section from the run involving Child Link. The effect of the trick is just as drastic as a hypothetical clip through the gate itself.

Ignoring the rare complexity of the trick (11-12 frame perfect inputs!) there’s the argument that it moves Read more

I’m not sure I completely follow the first part but I’d caution you to understand that all reviews are subject to the facticities of the reviewer. They’re not hard coded buyer’s recommendations and very rarely proscriptive value judgements. They’re the recounting of an experience which readers can then use to judge Read more

I’ll bite. It’s entirely possible for writers at the same site to have different opinions of a game. In fact, that’s healthy to ensuring good coverage and while I can understand the implicit desire to have some kind of united, objective Kotaku voice, I’d much rather trust readers to discern the personal tastes and Read more

As far as I am aware, this is just one level. I also played a desert level that looked like this:

I mean, if there was a New Donk travel bureau you have to imagine that’s exactly the kind of thing they’d say. Along with “You’ll go bonkers for New Donkers” and “Don’t DONK it until you’ve tried it!”  Read more