Heather Alexandra's discussions

Heather Alexandra
Former Senior Writer and Critic at Kotaku.

Big piece of advice that’s stuck with me from the time I spent with my coach was to not hunker down for a night of grinding. Play a handful of matches. 2-4 tops and just make progress over the season. Read more

Plat’s always been fun for me and I think it’s where folks start to experiment a little more with comps and heroes. Gold has felt rigid, which has tossed me into a lot of different roles but also means folks aren’t really counter picking. Read more

From my understanding, they took your internal MMR and then ranked a certain percentage under that so you could have a greater sense of progress. In the first couple dozen of games, wins are weighed very heavily so you can rocket back up to around where you were. Read more

For what it is worth my saying, the gameplay feels like SOTN or maybe a little bit like Aria. The movement and game feel is largely retained and even in the small section I played (which we should stress is a demo) had a nice mix of combat and platforming. Read more

Good news, you wonderful grump: you can read an additional article about the game which covers Kratos, narrative, and some of the gameplay mechanics right here: Read more

I had more time in theory but needed to leave for an interview session with Mr. Igarashi. More on that next week. This gameplay was captured as I briefly waited. Read more

It seemed fine from what I saw, although I caution that it is a bit hard to judge the feel of that sort of thing without having the controller in your hands. For what it is worth, Tokuda-san wasn’t wantonly spamming attacks with no consequence and the greatsword seemed as hefty as it’s ever been. Read more

I see very little difference in making a jagras run into vines in World and trying to corral a gammoth into a pitfall trap in Generations. Besides, it’s something you can do and not something you need to do. Read more

I still consider myself a fledgling hunter in a lot of ways but for me position still seemed very important, be it for dodging attacks or manipulating the monster into environmental hazards and traps. Tokuda-san made a point of chopping off the anjanath’s tail and all the hunter-y stuff you’d expect.
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Honestly, I had more fun with the avatar stage and all the items than the Sonic stages. Lightning whips are awesome and should be in every game. Read more

I’m putting money down on him beating a troll to death with their own, torn off arm myself. Read more

Not particularly implemented, although I did blow up some type of drill at a toxic waste dump location, which led to a very large explosion. Read more

Not completely but the demo only offered specific actions that were cooperative while also preventing troll behavior like just random shooting NPCs; firing at them only led to warning shots. It appeared hard if not even really possible to sabotage the scenario in huge ways. Read more

Compared to EA’s ramblings, I appreciated how direct this was. Some cool games on the way. See you tomorrow for Sony! Read more

Lacking a humorous quip, I just want to say that Wolfenstein: The New Order is a freakin’ fabulous game and I’m stoked for more Blazkowicz. Read more