Lots of abilities here, culminating in a big missile salvo that that kills a lot of baddies. There’s loot drops in a very Destiny kind of way. Read more
Lots of abilities here, culminating in a big missile salvo that that kills a lot of baddies. There’s loot drops in a very Destiny kind of way. Read more
I hope someone says “Stay frosty” or something equally silly. “Watch your six!” Read more
Oh, I just realized this is one of the presentations where the people chatting are supposed to be players. “We could use the XP,” says Thing One. Read more
Ranger javelin suit is a balanced suit and the Collosus is a tankier, tougher rig. Movement in the world is leaping from flying around the air to swimming in an underwater cave pretty seamlessly. Read more
Freelancers leave a walled city called Fort Tarsus to protect the citizens. The player climbs into an exosuit called a Javelin, which switches things into a third person perspective. A lot of jumping and boosting here, which was one of the small things that Andromeda got right. Read more
Finally getting to see some gameplay here. A first person perspective in a run down market, some type of large walker robot looming above. Player is apparently a “Freelancer,” and is approached by someone to rescue some folks on an expedition gone wrong. Read more
We’re looking at the new BioWare IP, Anthem. “A huge open world..” Read more
Gears of War 4, Forza Horizon 3, Halo War 2, and many other titles getting free 4k upgrades. More to come later down the road including Final Fantasy XV and Resident Evil 7. Read more
The original Xbox logo up on the screen and the crowd is eating it up. Looks like we’re getting original Xbox titles on the Xbox One. “Including a fan favorite that I’m often asked about by the community: Crimson Skies.”
Program will launch “later this year.” Read more
“You want more.” Read more
Phil Spencer back on stage, talking backward compatibility. Read more
Ori and the Will of the Wisps. Read more
Moving onto a new game here with some live piano on the stage. An exclusive title. Makes me think a lot of Ori and the Blind Forest. Lots of sweeping landscapes: a purple, lighting filled area and a lush green forest. Read more
Spare time here to mention that building an army of subhuman orcs that play a specific role in Tolkien’s very colonial writing is a bit uncomfortable. Read more
Saw an interesting little feature they didn’t use while branding this next orc. “Shame” which seems to reduce their level but doesn’t kill them. Read more
Boy, gosh, these orcs don’t shut the hell up though do they? Read more
They’re definitely giving the orcs more personality. Could make losing an army member more of a tragedy. Which could come to play as the demo moves on to a fortress assault. Read more
Just want to note that “You serve the Bright Lord now” is a bad tagline to shout in a mythos that’s traditional been wary of ring bearing lords. Read more
Talion is switching his combat up a lot here: spectral spears, fire slams, and some very agile sliding. He slips right under Bruz the Chooper and attacks with an ice sword before branding him. Read more