Doc Burford's saved articles

Doc Burford

I was probably too young to appreciate Tamers when it first released in the west; it wasn’t familiar and had none of the colourful characters I’d appreciated in the previous series. Going back to it years later and giving it a chance was extremely rewarding.
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Honestly, I won't mind as long as the rest of the game is great. Read more

You make some very solid points. This is an awesome article. Read more

Binary Domain, which is the best third Japanese third person shooter ever made, is so great in part because of the game’s emphasis on enemy disassembly. Your enemies are all robots, which are traditionally boring, but when you shoot a robot in Binary Domain, its armor shatters and blows apart. Shoot a robot in the Read more

Nice. I agree about the whole health bar and feedback thing. The only game I really give a pass on that is the Borderlands franchise, because they actually justify the health bars in-universe. Read more

Speaking of feedback, not enough shooters have feedback in the form of hit markers and different audio cues for hits/headshots/kills. It doesn’t have to sound like you’re going to town on a clown horn with a hammer, but differentiated audio and visual cues make it so much easier to judge how well my shots are landing, Read more

One of my biggest problems with Doom’s multiplayer was the fact that damage seemed unconnected to results. I’d give one guy a full clip of my weapon and he wandered by without seeming to even notice it, while I barely hit another player and kill them instantly. I wasn’t sure if people were cheating, I sucked or if the Read more

In recent games, Deus Ex Mankind Divided does a great job with this, as with most of its mechanics. Shoot someone in the head even with the lowly pistol and their head jerks back, and body follows. If he’s not wearing a helmet, that’s it, he crumples. If it’s a simple one it pops off and now he’s vulnerable. Read more

Binary Domain, which is the best third Japanese third person shooter ever made” Read more

Purchasing Battleborn is my biggest regret in life.

Also, Doc, you’re good shit. Why aren’t you full time here? Read more

Okay, Doc, I’ll give you all my money if you could march into Gearbox HQ and pitch your Duke 5 game. The intro would be amazing. Plus, I’m a sucker for hamburgers. So for me, it’s personal.

Easy, watch the new Evil Dead show. Old and out Ash, living in his past glory, a has been..but when shit goes down, still manages to be badass as fuck. Read more

Stop copying the games you are trying to parody. You say power armor is for pussies, yet the game uses the SAME health system. And I’m sure Duke Nukem Forever also parodied Call of Duty at some point... yet the levels were completely linear. And why they even copied the 2 weapon limit? Psh.
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I felt Snow Crash sagged a bit towards the end but as you haven’t finished it, that’s all I’m going to say on that. Overall, it was more fun than Neuromancer, though that book’s been spoiled by its ending becoming a cliche.
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This is the kind of shit i expect from kotaku and am often disappointed when i don’t get it. good job. stick around!
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