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Chris Kohler
Features Editor, Kotaku. Japanese curry aficionado. Author of the books Power-Up: How Japanese Video Games Gave the World an Extra Life and Final Fantasy V from Boss Fight Books.
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Thanks so much for the kind words!

MK and NBA Jam were created at Midway just one after the other. Did you know about the ability to do a Fatality in an early version of NBA Jam: Tournament Edition?

I spoke to Turmell a couple of weeks ago and he mentioned that the original Jordan ROMs — the ones created when MJ asked for a custom NBA Jam that included him as a character because he was never in the original due to his own licensing restrictions — do exist. They’re in a storage space, buried among other boards and Read more

I managed to track him down for the book! He’s a good dude. His name is Eric, nicknamed “Er” (pronounced “Air”), which is where “Air Dog” comes from.

He is the son of an executive at Acclaim. At an NBA All-Star weekend in the mid-’90s, he even ended up signing autographs because fans recognized him from the game.
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Or this water gun I saw in Daiso...

I have been around Miyomoto many times, never met him. I have a terribly embarrassing story of the closest I got. Read more

The Atari 2600 ran code during the TV’s vertical blanking interval and overscan. NTSC TVs display with a frame rate of 29.97 fps and the 2600 typically drew 192 lines of the 262 available, and between that three-hundredths of a second in the first case and that relatively luxurious quarter of a second in the second Read more

“We count thirty Rebel ships, Lord Vader. But they’re so small they’re evading our turbo-lasers!” Read more


I mean, this should have been a pretty obvious strategy. If the AI is gonna hit you with cruisers to counter your battleships, you go at it with something it can’t undersize: frigates. Losses are cheap, so you can just zerg the thing to death. I get that this type of strategy sounds incredible to laypeople who think Read more

Chris, I did the same thing but with Sega CD and 32X games. Glad I started when I did too, because some of those games are CuhRayZee expensive now, (Keio selling for $1200 - $1500 complete?!?!?!) Read more