Cecilia D'Anastasio's saved articles

Cecilia D'Anastasio
Senior reporter at Kotaku.

Did anyone else feel Just Cause 3 had tilted too much towards the ‘sandbox’ aspect? I mean, it was great and all but felt pretty damn soulless. I remember hours upon hours of JC2 and some great missions and characters (Bolo Santosi FTW) but I struggle to think of anything in JC3 beyond just blowing the shit out of Read more

That’s a lot of vehicles for a game where the main mode of transportation will just be the wing suit and grappling hook. lmao Day One Purchase. Read more

My 8 year old son and his friends love it! It gives them a great wacky way to play a great game! Read more

One on one with no items is the most sterile and boring way to play Smash. The game is made to be played with all the crazy items on the strange interfering stages by 4 people at the same time. The game is a Chaos simulator and that’s why it’s fun Read more

Wow I just bought the core set yesterday. What a shame. Read more

Netrunner has a good lifespan for a card game that wasn’t MTG. It’s sad to see it go, but not outright unexpected. LCGs just don’t have the same money potential as CCGs, even if the idea of owning all the cards from the jump is good for the consumer. Read more

That’s...kinda cool. I really enjoy underdog teams. I’m tempted to spend some OWL tokens on their skins just in case they’re booted from the League. Read more

Maybe this will inspire blizzard to port Overwatch! Read more

I just started getting into this on PS4. I’ll be all over this on Switch, like...something that spends an unhealthy amount of time on another thing. Read more

Oof shotguns were my bread and butter and the jet pack was super useful and not very OP but I’m sure they’ll replace it with something better. Read more

I don’t know how it happened, but now every time I glance at the word “Fortnite” while scrolling past a Fortnite article, by brain now reads it as “Forknife” Read more

I’m interested. It seems like her skill ceiling just raised a massive amount, because you can do a ton of things tactically with these abilities, but you’d have to be very creative and team-oriented to say, throw her ultimate up across a choke point, put a teleporter on the other side of the choke, and then toss Read more

Sym main here. I have loved how, on console, she’s an equalizer for obnoxious shit like Tracer. I’ve hated that she’s worthless against Pharah, Widow, etc. This seems to balance the two while OMFG SHE CAN TELEPORT D.VA BOMBS FUCK YES OMG INJECT IT STRAIGHT INTO MY VEINS Read more

You’ve explained my biggest pet peeve with games these days. I cracked open my brand-new PS4 Pro one Saturday night at 10 PM, ready to play Doom on disc. I started playing the first level at 1 AM. Read more

Totally annoying that every AAA game I want to play has to download yet another 20GB on my baseline broadband connection. PS4 only made it less painful compared to the PS3 as you can do something else while you wait, but the frequency is high. So there is a reason why I’ve been sticking with Japanese releases or Read more