Ben Bertoli's saved articles

Ben Bertoli
Ben is an exceptionally tall freelance writer and author hailing from Indianapolis. He is the current co-host of the gaming history podcast Memory Card and is likely replaying Banjo-Kazooie right now.

No joke, a great “challenge mode” my brothers and I would do would be to leave one of the controllers unused but give that character the board that gave them a never-ending jet booster. They would zoom ahead, hit a wall, and slowly turn until they zoomed forward again. It was always a blast trying to race them. Read more

Ive never heard anyone else mention this game, but this was my multiplayer go-to as well. Weren’t there a few other playable characters to unlock, but there was some very high bar to do so? A ninja...? Read more

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Snowboard Kids 1 and 2 both have incredible MIDI (or whatever the proper term is) soundtracks, it cannot be overstated.

I hunted down and played this game when I was a kid in no small part because Nintendo Power told me I had to. Read more

He’s an old school nerd who makes his own tech, he better play WASD, no controller. Read more

Talented and creative. His work is awesome! Read more

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Honestly, Craig of the Creek continues to be one of my favorite shows on television, and one that’s just as important as Steven Universe in the way it depicts relationships. Plus, how can you not like a show that brings in Del the Funky Homosapien as a robot kid from the future?

I just found and watched it , and it was great (and had a hidden cameo from another CN cartoon at the end as well..) Read more

I really related to the characters in this show, and I don’t see myself ultimately having kids nor did I have a relatable father figure growing up. This episode was that well-written! I could see my possible kid doing things like Craig would just to beat me at Smash for example, and the efforts Craig did just to play Read more

“Sonic Vanilla” sure does taste like regular vanilla to me, and I’m starting to understand why there aren’t many other cereals that shoot for that flavor as their selling point. Read more

I love how you used a different bowl for every cereal but Ben, a record turned into a bowl?! One, you can’t eat out of it, doesn’t it still have the hole? And 2, I’m not so sure of the food safety aspect, records being a petroleum product.
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My dad and I connected over Mario Bros. It was our first game on the NES (our first console). He didn’t really like video games outside of that. We transferred that connection to basketball. I remember my first time beating him in 21. I felt amazing at first because he had a shot out of this world that I could never Read more

The cereal’s newest trend is getting all fruity up in your mouth.” Read more

Fun fact for those of us “Elder Millennials”, they did in fact have a pop-tarts cereal back in the mid 90's. Wasn’t very good though :/