Ben Bertoli's saved articles

Ben Bertoli
Ben is an exceptionally tall freelance writer and author hailing from Indianapolis. He is the current co-host of the gaming history podcast Memory Card and is likely replaying Banjo-Kazooie right now.

Here’s the other thing with Dippin’ Dots: All the actual Dots settle to the bottom of the box, which means you either have to pour the box into a bowl to get everything mixed correctly, or soldier through the rest of the box just to get to them. Contents in other cereals do settle, but I’ve never seen one settle so Read more

some kind of weird Lucky Charms and Frosted Flakes mash-up” Read more

I learnt a long time ago not to tell internet strangers where I live. But yeah, England. Read more

When I see that front box all I can think of is: Read more

Good god I think I went in to a food coma just reading this. Whoever decided that cereal was somehow a healthy (let alone the sugar-in-a-bowl-of-milk concoctions they’re selling now) thing to have for breakfast was insane.  Nothing like a massive carb/sugar bomb first thing in the morning to ensure that you’re Read more

I WISH Canadians still got this wackiness. I don’t think anything like that his come out here since 2000 or so. Read more

My 8 year old daughter and I love watching Craig of the creek together. We also enjoy playing Street Fighter II together. We really related to the Power Punchers episode and immediately after we loaded up Street Fighter II and went a few rounds.  Her Chun Li game is really coming along.  Read more

I think the Pop Tarts cereal had an unfair advantage. All cereals automatically taste better when they are eaten from novelty bowls! Read more

That honey buns cereal looks awfully familiar:

Mix them all together and try it like that. You’ve got extra, right? Read more

Such a great read. I can just feel your passion for the show oozing out of each paragraph. Definitely gonna check out this episode and not leave it in my backlog Excel sheet. *sip* Read more

This is an excellent read, Geebs. Thank you for sharing. I need to get to watching this show. I know, you’ve been telling me for a while now. >.< Read more

Idk if you’ll see this reply, on a year-old post, but: Yesterday I bought an unopened Dropmix board and 4 Playlist packs for 90% off at my local Dirt Cheap ( $9 for the board, and $1.50 each for the packs, although actually one pack was mis-priced at 70% off so I paid $4.50 for that one. Read more

Thanks for coming on the podcast, Stephen! Glad I could geek out with another Pikmin fan. I truly hope the series returns within the next year or so. And I hope everyone checks out Challenger Approaching. I’ve had a great time researching each episode and talking to all my special guests. Read more

Would be interesting to read that! Read more

Damn I LOVE the design of that Gamer Lounge.

Read more

I was just watching inkling vids and came upon reactions to the reveal trailer from march. It was such a great trailer--I watched the reaction vids over and over. Read more

When I was working on my PhD, I spent countless hours with people from the middle east. I found that we had far more in common with the people from Iran compared to many countries, especially Saudi Arabia, UAE and Qatar.  Read more

Honestly, didn’t read the article. I just wanted to say that that’s a cool-as-fuck looking “gamerspace” or whatever you’d call it in the header image.  Read more