We’re now just two short weeks (and some change) from the seventh season return of The Venture Bros., as Adult Swim…
We’re now just two short weeks (and some change) from the seventh season return of The Venture Bros., as Adult Swim…
I was really glad to see Community’s “Digital Estate Planning” episode on this list. It’s one of my all-time favorite episodes of any show, both because of the amazing pixel art and animation and because of the perfect way each character approaches the game. On one side you have Pierce, who doesn’t even understand… Read more
Pokemon Snap was such an inspirational game for me. It’s actually why I got into photography. Read more
I think, generally, games survive due to certain special pieces of non-mechanical magic within them. In general, games that blaze trails with dialogue, spirit and fundamental human truths seem to be more rewarding to play later than games that revolutionized combat, or were mechanically significant.
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My sister and I used to compete for the best scores in this game when we were kids. To be honest, I’m not even sure how we found out it existed. I just remember having it one day and loving it. This article made me want to play it again, although without an N64 or a Wii U (and a laptop that won’t do emulation… Read more
Pokemon Snap is the game I’ve wanted in VR so bad... But I dream too big... Read more
I’ve adored this game since it was released. It makes no sense that there’s no switch virtual console version
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does anyone remember Hey You Pikachu? the one that came with a mic and pikachu would supposedly do things you told it too? id love to see a video talking about the tech behind that and if it was all just a big smoke screen Read more
“Really gets your noodle goin’.” Read more
I used to invite the neighborhood friends over to show off my Mew and Pikachu riding Articuno snaps. I never had a Charizard pokemon card but damn did I have some good shots in this game haha.
Also nice post Benny boi. Read more
I loved Pokémon Snap. It provided me a new way to appreciate video games. But my friends were pretty livid about it at the time. Which I understood, so I felt compelled me to play it more. Sorta like a kid “hipster”. The one Pokémon game I won’t forgive is Hey You, Pikachu! That game burned me bad. Read more
“Boy Bite Bowser Bowl” lol Read more