Ben Bertoli's saved articles

Ben Bertoli
Ben is an exceptionally tall freelance writer and author hailing from Indianapolis. He is the current co-host of the gaming history podcast Memory Card and is likely replaying Banjo-Kazooie right now.

So I heard Splatoon always had the creepily morbid backstory (e.g. the scrolls mentioned in your post). Read more

You mention that the Sunken Scrolls from the second game don’t go into much detail about the Inkling/Octarian rivalry but in an article about how dark the game can be I feel it’s worth mentioning the Salmonids from the Salmon Run mode, whose recurring attacks are depicted in several of the Sunken Scrolls as almost Read more

Welcome back you two! Looking forward to seeing what you guys write up. Read more

Speaking of Zelda, I never used Din’s fire or any of the other “spells” much. I definitely should have...

My box by then end of any resident evil game....  always have a bunch of grenades I didn’t use.
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Food was actually my main source of money in BOTW. If ever I ran low on funds, I’d need only cook until my inventory was full and sell it all. Read more

But if I eat all this valuable food, what will I sell to buy that goddamn expensive house? Read more

Symphony of the Night is full of awesome items that I would collect and never use, all of the wacky food items for example... (Not that I would ever want to use the Natou (natto) if you paid me!) Read more

Now that you say it it is like a tradition to hoard those ethers and never use them. It feels like it is more useful to keep fighting until a savepoint lets you use a tent or get to a town than using one. Specially because later on, the MP you recover is just minimal compared to the one spent on battles. Read more

Sometimes you just hoard those apples and spices. No time for cooking. Read more

RPGs it’s the “Too good to use club”. HCBailly highlights items like this in his LPs. Read more

♡♡ Have fun without me today, you donks. Loved the previews I got to read earlier this week, and I know everyone's in for some treats! Read more

its funny you mentioned pso because for me, that game brought about a change for me that went to all rpgs. because i was a hoarder. i played a force, which is a magic heavy class, but when i was soloing, i would use weapons instead because i had the “ save it for the boss fights” mindset. that was the way i learned Read more

We always wait for the later that we all know will never come. It’s a big problem for me, especially in Fallout or Elder Scrolls games. Even in D&D, where I usually tend to play the Cleric, I find that at early levels I have to be wary of when to start healing people. Read more

Not eating food in Zelda is worse than not using Spirit Orbs (I know because I did that run.) You crazy! Read more

Persona 3 FES is probably the first time I ran out of items by the end of the game. SMT games are really good about making you want to use things like that. Read more

My younger sister and I always hd a sort of bond over this movie in its orignal jpanese amd Fox dub. The golly wollypogs was a phrase that really stuck with us, and when i heard, “oh look, tadpoles,” I had to turn it off and thought I just couldn’t keep watching. I feel like the voice work in the Disney version is a Read more