Ben Bertoli's saved articles

Ben Bertoli
Ben is an exceptionally tall freelance writer and author hailing from Indianapolis. He is the current co-host of the gaming history podcast Memory Card and is likely replaying Banjo-Kazooie right now.

Nintendo owns the rights, you know how that goes.
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Please, please, please let there be RPG elements in Mario Tennis Aces! And then follow it up with a new RPG baseball game! ;)

Really enjoyed reading this! I always get nostalgic thinking of the N64 and Gamecube Mario Tennis days but didn’t know much else about the history of the series, so that was interesting. I spent so much time trying to win every tournament with every character, and those Planet Cup matches got pretty intense (I spent a Read more

I’m all for trying new things, but why do Japanese developers seem to have an apparent affinity for dumping things that work?

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Funny enough, I learned the rules to both Golf and Tennis, two sports I’ve never had any interest in, via their Nintendo 64 Mario iterations. Read more

I had fond memories of the Mario Tennis and Golf games since they were less intense versions of said sport game. As a kid, the combo of the two was a given success. Though nothing can beat early Party games. Read more

Oh, Camelot. I wish Sega and Camelot would release the IP rights for Shining Force 3 - the full series. I’d pay so much goddamn money for a remaster - I certainly paid out the nose for the import Saturn CDs.

Unpopular opinion: I liked the gameplay, graphics and battle system from SF3 way more than FF Tactics on the

...concluding that Mario’s first take on baseball was less of a grand slam and more of an inside-the-park homerun (which is still pretty good) Read more

Credit where credit is due: Of all the VR game thingies I’ve tried, the Virtual Boy is the only one that won’t make me want to projectile vomit after about 20 minutes of play time. Read more

Great piece! Mario Golf 64 will always hold a most special place in my heart. Dumped so many hours into that game, and only broke one controller trying to unlock Metal Mario. Also, at the time, I also bought the GBC version and a transfer pak used ONLY so I could get the extra characters on the N64 version. That’s how Read more

I played the heck out of the Wii version (even with the tacked on motion controls). The online game was pretty fun until the game was “solved” and if you didn’t know the spamming special ability tricks, you were goner. Read more

The sports games are neat but I need Nintendo to let Camelot make a fourth goddamn Golden Sun game already Read more

Nice article. I think Mario Golf on the N64 introduced Baby Mario and Baby Luigi. I remember playing against my brother as Baby Mario, and spamming the catch phrase “Nicey shot, oh eh ah!” Or playing as Luigi, “Hurry up already, huh!” Read more

They sorta ruined the Wii version so I hope my Gamecube keeps truckin for a few more years Read more

I want mario golf, soccer, and basketball on switch in the next 4 years Read more

I think the Mario-ness aspect of the games is overrated - Camelot simply produced the best golf games on the market for years, and Mario was merely the vehicle that they were able to get them to the market. Read more

Man, never really got into the sports titles, was thinking I should cuz i heard some like Strikers were really good, was going to get the new tennis, though after this I’m a little spooked. Will prolly get it anyway I guess, and hope it’s good. :) Read more