Ben Bertoli's saved articles

Ben Bertoli
Ben is an exceptionally tall freelance writer and author hailing from Indianapolis. He is the current co-host of the gaming history podcast Memory Card and is likely replaying Banjo-Kazooie right now.

SW Battlefront2, the campaign appeals to the Starwars fan in me. Read more

I have a certain weakness for the extended Romancing SaGa series... Read more

I saw the headline and thought, “Hmm... Maybe Glover?” Read more

Skyrim. The game is just hack&slasher with bare bones rpg elements but my god its fun Read more

Xenogears. Picture even supports that. My all measures though the game is incomplete, a mess of storytelling due to that and a slog to finish. It’s a good half of a game resorting in the end to exposition dumps. But damn do I love the characters and world and story so much. The gameplay felt fresh to me and I love it Read more

I used to adore this game and given that it has a pretty good Metacritic score, I don’t think it can be considered “bad” anyway. It just totally bombed on release Read more

Probably an easy one, but Shadow the Hedgehog. It has way too much edge but I always have a grin whenever I’m playing it Read more

Recently, a bad game I’ve enjoyed was Elex. So buggy (to the point where I don’t know how it was approved to come on console), not the best combat, but the story and challenge were decent enough to keep me playing until the end at least. I would NOT recommend it to anyone though until they fix their game drastically. Read more

Quest 64.

Too Human, the game had problems, but the biggest offenders were the fact it didn’ explain a god damned thing as far as mechanics go, leaving you to experiment and figure it out, and the ice forest which is the worst level ever. I loved the story, the world itself and the design to everything and I loved the hell out Read more

First game I thought of is Wall Street Kid for NES. It’s slow, repetitive, and dull, but somehow it has enough oddball charm that I still enjoy playing through it every once in a while. Read more

Duke Nukem Forever. It had it’s problems, but it was nowhere near as bad as people made it out to be.
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Generations Lost for the Sega Genesis. It’s short, it’s clearly missing content they gave up on toward the end, the controls are unforgivingly clunky, the story is silly and the twist is obvious within minutes, but for some reason I love it.
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I’ve beaten sonic 06 twice. its not a good game, but its not unplayable, and I love the cheese factor. The music is also a plus. Read more

I bought Shaq Fu for my birthday as a kid...I regret nothing.
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Cho-Aniki, nobody remembers how good of a shooter it is (it’s probably not), but it’s effin’ insane no matter how far you go. Read more