Sometimes even the worst games can bring us great joy.
Sometimes even the worst games can bring us great joy.
Who’s hungry for some Magic Cake or a Mach Pizza?
One of the most extraordinary facts about Mega Man 2 is that it almost didn’t happen. Sales of the first Mega Man wer…
Bahahaha. Best of times this. Read more
One of Final Fantasy’s most iconic songs doesn’t even make my top 10 favorite list. That said, it’s also one of my…
that header image tho... Read more
I don’t like collecting things for the sake of collecting them. So I prefer the purple coins to the moons if only because they unlock the costumes, which I like a lot. Read more
I do wish there were some sort of mechanism in the game for tracking down the last of the purple coins. I only have about 3 left in most of the levels, and I have absolutely no idea where to look. Read more
There’s a button at the top of the screen while playing to save the current 5 card mix loop. There’s a share feature that can convert to video, but it only plays a bit of the loop and not the full thing. You can send people a link that lets them listen to it in the app, should they have it or download it and it will… Read more
Whoa, this was totally off my radar, but now that I know of it I super on board. Tell me, there wouldn’t be any way to records/save your mixes would there built into the system (I’m assuming phone/windows apps probably exist that can do the same thing though)? Even if the actual card game aspect of it ends up meh, the… Read more
I was super excited reading this article, and was like ok I have to find this immediately... until you got to the part about expansion packs. In the immortal words of Sarah Lynn, “That’s too much, man!” Read more
Perhaps this isn’t the same for everybody, but I do thing there is something satisfying and enjoyable about setting down and picking up the different cards as you play. And they implemented it really well. You can lay multiple cards on top of each other and the device recognizes each individual new card that’s laid… Read more
I wanted to buy the base set for one friend and extra card sets for another, and the only place I found the extra cards was a local hobby board game store. Luckily, I frequent that store often, so I knew to look there, otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to find the extra cards. Read more
There was a closed beta version where the game was strictly digital but it doesn’t exist any more. Read more
Amazon says it’s the number one toy right now so that’s good. I bought it at Best Buy for $70. I am having fun and want more cards. Read more