Ben Bertoli's saved articles

Ben Bertoli
Ben is an exceptionally tall freelance writer and author hailing from Indianapolis. He is the current co-host of the gaming history podcast Memory Card and is likely replaying Banjo-Kazooie right now.

IMO the issue with this is it is trying to mash 2 genres where the followers of each don’t traditionally mix. Its unlikely folks who board game like myself are super interested in a music game like this while on the counter folks who would be into a music game are unlikely to want to get a board game. Of course there Read more

Really interesting and well-researched article Ben! Look forward to the rest of your articles over the next few days! =)
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I think the most telling sign, as pointed out by a member of the DropMix official Discord, is this:

hey, so I may or may not have heard that you had an extra expansion to send to a friend. for free. Read more

As noted in this article, it’s cheaper now than it was then. The base unit that originally sold for $100 is now pretty consistently sold at $60 or less.
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Kotaku’s coverage made it sound quite interesting, but as far as I can tell it’s essentially a very expensive app. That has implications regarding its longevity.
I’d be more interested in a straight up PC version. Less a game perhaps, than just an excuse to tool around with the music.
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I bought this game for $60. At that price it is a blast. Haven’t had a game go over so well with everyone in my holiday circle. The Grandparents, Parents and Friends all enjoy it for one reason or another. Besides the retail price, the other issue I’ve faced is device compatibility. Some older devices really struggle Read more

This is the first I have ever heard of this, and I like to imagine that I follow the market pretty closely... Google and saw that it is only released in North America and my local gaming stores do not have it. That may explain it.
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Yes hello I’ll take a Mighty No. #9, with a side of Danganronpa, a PS4 on sale with Persona 5, and a Witcher 3 to wash it down. Thanks! Read more


More food! :D Read more


This your moment. You have a chance to elevate kotaku to heights never imagined. IGN heights. There’s a lot riding on what you do here. Breathe. Don’t choke. Read more

What seems to be the officer, problem? Read more

Henlo Taytos it me Novi. Hope you all have weekend fun time. I look forward to your pieces. I am at work bored so post something soon okay. Read more

Good luck you guys! I’ll be lurking. Read more

Is this Dr. Nerdlove weekly column? I need help!
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