Ben Bertoli's saved articles

Ben Bertoli
Ben is an exceptionally tall freelance writer and author hailing from Indianapolis. He is the current co-host of the gaming history podcast Memory Card and is likely replaying Banjo-Kazooie right now.

I do sorely hope when you list SSX in your table of contents, you do mean the series and not just Tricky. Because dude, SS3 > Tricky. In fact, SSX3 > practically everything. Read more

The responsiveness of the controls always seemed to lag. That might have been partially because I was on PS4 and the wireless may have had a slight amount of delay. Read more

The accessibility requirement kept quite a few good ones off the list. I was about to exclaim “Suikoden!” as well, but that’s not always easy to find.
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This is for basically everyone, but thanks for including my two favorite series from growing up, Ratchet and Clank and Jak and Daxter! :) Also, does the Crash Bandicoot entry include Crash Team Racing? And neither Goldeneye or Nightfire are on there :/ both of those (along with CTR) were the only multiplayer games I Read more

I replayed Secret of Mana when the re-release got announced. It’s... not very good. I have incredibly fond memories from playing it in ‘93 — the music is/was utter perfection, but! Insane hit boxes, frustrating AI (single player), weird difficulty spikes, bad story-telling... the list goes on. Read more

Are you mostly a console gamer? You missed some PC games with seriously obsessive followings, Quest for Glory being one, and the Black Isle Baldur’s Gate franchise (and spinoffs like Neverwinter Nights) being another. The QFG series, though, is still my first gaming love, and I’m trying to get my kids to play it. The Read more

Beatmania IIDX continued on PS2 until 2008's IIDX 16 Empress. There was even a (subpar, compared to Japanese releases) US release. Read more

Too hard? I absolutely loved the first and second. Was able to do everything except complete anything on RAD mode. Read more

It is? Time to FINALLY play it! Never got around to it on the PS2. Read more

I’m truly not trying to start a flame war here, but: OlliOlli can go RIGHT to hell Read more

I can wholeheartedly push the Dark Cloud games. Read more

Because seriously... have you tried Ōkami? Read more

Overall great list... And seeing Kid Icarus on the list, it made me want to see more after playing through KI:Uprising Read more

I have tried Okami. I wish they’d have a fast forward for the stupid bug yapping at you and then I’d actually get farther than the intro maybe.
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I loooooove that you provided a way for the reader to reflect on their experience, even briefly. Read more

You know, people always like to espouse Dark Souls as the epitome of hard games. Read more

Crash, Spyro and Banjo all in the top 10. Read more

I really like this in the way one of my kids could pick up the book see something they want to try and talk to me about it. Seems really well done and I will be getting a copy for my kids bookshelf.
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