Ben Bertoli's saved articles

Ben Bertoli
Ben is an exceptionally tall freelance writer and author hailing from Indianapolis. He is the current co-host of the gaming history podcast Memory Card and is likely replaying Banjo-Kazooie right now.

I convinced myself that my Final Fantasy entry would only represent the main series (and not whatever Type-0 HD is considered). Read more

Man, I loved Okami and would gladly replay... a remake of it. It had serious issues that made me hesitate to go back. It started to drag after a while, being much longer than it needed to be, and it was far too easy to accidentally do one brushstroke while trying to do another which got frustrating in the tightly Read more

I watched like 3 minutes of this and they were having a rap battle. It seems like a cute show Read more

OMG I saw this article and seriously thought Kotaku was shutting down, almost had a mild heart attack. Read more

We call the flyfish dumpster fire. Kid’s choice awards is fantastic Read more

I was at work when I saw “Ecco The Dolphin Watches The Titanic Sink.” I did alright keeping my composure until I saw. “Let the vortex claim Man’s folly.”

Suddenly, I’m getting asked what I’m laughing at. Read more

Agreed on Fallout 1&2. Those games had incredible, haunting soundtracks that fit the moods and locales perfectly. Read more

I always liked the hilariously oversized Sega CD cases. I kind of want to buy replacement ones and just use them for my own ends as a gimmick thing. Read more

Thanks for entertaining us. :) Read more

This is been one of my favorite twitter accounts for a few months. So many of them are straight gold. Read more

That’s all from us, Kotaku readers. We would like to thank the regular editorial staff and everyone who stopped by for letting us entertain you this fine Labor Day. We hope to see you all again soon. Until then you should check out Kotaku’s reader-run TAY blog (where we can always be found) and give us a follow on Read more


grandmaw would be a great pokemon name...something between drampa and gyarados Read more

Ohhh my bad! I just went straight to the first one with the pic (Alex Kidd), and scrolled down.. but didn’t see Mario Rabbids.. Read more

The main character does seem to be a generic anime male protagonist: simple-minded, overly enthusiastic, occasionally clever. Passionate as he is empathetic and just wants to get stronger. Read more

I’m glad I’m not the only one who does this. My husband and I use the following (ones not included mean we actually use the real name): Read more

I think that’s sort of the appeal though. It’s keeping up a long standing cartoon tradition of being a parody of something. Often referencing works that the creators consumed when they were coming up. I’d say that’s what make Dexters Lab and Powerpuff Girls so funny most of the time. Especially if you were “in” on the Read more