Good question! Every character indeed has the same core moveset—light, heavy, and ranged attacks, plus three different unique super moves, all of which you can power up as you see fit—but they’re so much more than souped-up paint jobs. Once you start leveling characters up, you’ll start to see even more daylight… Read more
Good question! Some of them are pretty sweet. There’s one that puts Hulk in linen pants and a floral tank. Another is a black-and-bronze paint job of the classic Iron Man armor. But for every outfit that’s that cool, there’s yet another navy blue Captain America suit with U.S.A. motifs. Can’t win ‘em all! Read more
That’s true, but IMO the experience boost isn’t worth the risk. The sheer amount of times I’ve been trampled for recklessly sprinting ahead in Dizzy Heights, Hit Parade, Slime Climb, etc. etc... Ugh. Far better to be a little patient than to fail in round one and return to a queue still reeling from launch-day server… Read more