For your expert tip on revisiting Shogun Studios, welcome! You should now no longer be stuck in “pending” when commenting on Kotaku. Just remember: With great power comes the extremely minimal responsibility of just generally being courteous (and also worshipping at the altar of Outer Wilds whenever we say so). Read more
Not that I know of... but this article can make it less horrible! Read more
Good question, and it’s one I can really only answer from my perspective... I’ve found it gripping from day to day, for sure. Multiple times I’ve had that itch to wrap up work so I can start playing. But I’ve found it annoying to play for lengthy sessions. Usually after an hour or two, it’s, like, all right, I get it,… Read more
I’m shamelessly commenting on my own post to express how seriously thrilled and impressed I am with the discussion this has engendered. I’ve known it for a while, but it’s always nice to get confirmation that Kotaku has the smartest readership on the web. Keep on being awesome, all of you. Read more
Strange, because all of the TLOU2 articles I’ve written have been straightforward tips, advice, or explainers, plus one light-hearted blog about why riding a horse feels cool. I actually very much like this game! Easily one of my favorites this year, if not this console generation. This fight just rubbed me the wrong… Read more