Ari Notis's discussions

Ari Notis
Staff Writer, Kotaku

Oh and Halo 2 sucks on legendary in co-op too. Nothing worse than playing a perfect game only to have your friend get killed by the same hunter over and over and over and over and over again. Read more

Man, the standoffs really start screwing you after Act 1, huh? I saw a tip on Reddit suggesting that you can watch their feet (apparently, the full step means they’ll attack) but, yeah, that doesn’t really help at all with the foliage. Gosaku is def the way to go Read more

For your expert tip on revisiting Shogun Studios, welcome! You should now no longer be stuck in “pending” when commenting on Kotaku. Just remember: With great power comes the extremely minimal responsibility of just generally being courteous (and also worshipping at the altar of Outer Wilds whenever we say so). Read more

If they confirm that, check the obits, because I will have deceased from joy overload. Read more

Based on these comments...

Am I the only person who think this game looks freakin’ beautiful??? Read more

This is solid, science-backed advice that absolutely everyone should follow but only half, apparently, will. Read more

You’re right, it totally does, but using the flute forces you to slow from a gallop to a trot and, like, who has the time or the patience??? Read more

If it’s any consolation, I initially had Hollow Knight on my list before realizing that three doesn’t mean four. (Counting is hard.) Read more

Yes! For weeks, I’ve been trying to put my finger on what game this reminds me of. Far Cry 3 is the answer—and nope, not a bad thing at allll. Thx for scratching that brain itch Read more

You can, it just takes some time. I didn’t get everything until well into the third act, at which point you have, like, two missions left where you can use your full toolkit. Read more

Good question, and it’s one I can really only answer from my perspective... I’ve found it gripping from day to day, for sure. Multiple times I’ve had that itch to wrap up work so I can start playing. But I’ve found it annoying to play for lengthy sessions. Usually after an hour or two, it’s, like, all right, I get it, Read more

It’s true. Once, I spilled a glass of dry pinot on my sense of humor and it evaporated in seconds. Read more

I’m shamelessly commenting on my own post to express how seriously thrilled and impressed I am with the discussion this has engendered. I’ve known it for a while, but it’s always nice to get confirmation that Kotaku has the smartest readership on the web. Keep on being awesome, all of you. Read more

Oh, yeah, Tell Me Why also looks really cool! And yup, they made Vampyr. Also did a an action game called Remember Me last gen that was truly unforgettable. Fact: Dontnod makes good games. High hopes for this one. Read more

All good! Many of us share the same icon, so it’s bound to happen from time to time. (I also could’ve written some positive opinions on this game before jumping right into “this one fight is boring lol.”) Read more

Strange, because all of the TLOU2 articles I’ve written have been straightforward tips, advice, or explainers, plus one light-hearted blog about why riding a horse feels cool. I actually very much like this game! Easily one of my favorites this year, if not this console generation. This fight just rubbed me the wrong Read more

Bingo. And sometimes games just randomly come back. For instance, Cities: Skylines, the best game, left in March only to get re-added in May. Read more