Haha, I’m getting such a kick out of the monster names! The heck is a Bunniv??? And yeah, you’re spot-on. If there’s one tip I’d give—which, btw, keep an eye out for a broader tips post soon—it’d be to not stress about dying. This game is miles more forgiving than I thought it’d be going in. Read more
The mileage you get out of all the bonus content definitely depends on your level of burnout at the end. For an in-depth take, I’d urge you to read my colleague Ian Walker’s impressions of the first and second campaigns. But if you’re already feeling burnout from BL3, jumping headlong into a whole bonus campaign might… Read more
It was annoying a year-and-a-half ago; now I’ve just given up hope completely... Read more
Well said.
And just to be crystal clear: My goal with this blog was more to express befuddlement that IMD, a significant annual event, wasn’t given the same due as previous events, like Earth Day or whatever the hell Bunny Day is. The last thing I’d ever want to do is try to convince you not to stop liking something… Read more
Un-fuck Oggdo Bodgo with Ethan’s guide! https://kotaku.com/how-to-kill-jedi-fallen-orders-oggdo-bogdo-more-easily-1839924032 Read more
Generally, island getaway packages are all about sleeping in, sipping Mai Tais, and then sipping more Mai Tais. Tom Nook’s package has led to nothing but chores—chores that have directly boosted his coffers. If he’s not a craven capitalist, he’s at least a shitty one, and his travel agency certainly loses a Yelp star… Read more