Yannick LeJacq's posts

Yannick LeJacq
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The Protoss warrior Artanis is now live in Heroes of the Storm, and he’s a lot of fun! I’ll have more detailed impressions on the new StarCraft hero by tomorrow. Blizzard still hasn’t said who/what they’re going to add to HOTS after Artanis, which is uncharacteristic given the game’s fast-paced release schedule.

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Today’s League of Legends World Championship semifinals games are underway. Today is European team Fnatic against Korea’s KOO Tigers, and it’s already looking like a real bloodbath. Watch on YouTube, Twitch, or Azubu.

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The League of Legends World Championship semifinals kick off in ten minutes. Today’s game is reigning Korean heavyweights SKT against newly-minted (but still powerful) European team Origen. This one’s gonna be goooood. Watch on YouTube, Twitch, or Azubu.

I’m streaming a few Heroes of the Storm games to test out the cool-looking new Protoss warrior Artanis. Watch along on Kotaku’s Twitch channel! Read more

Trying to find the right character pick in Heroes of the Storm. Thanks to Reddit’s TragedyStruck for perfectly summing up the feeling of trying to find the right hero icon in the sea of small circular portraits. Read more

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Today’s League of Legends World Championship quarterfinals match-up starts now. It’s between two juggernauts of Korean pro teams—KT Rolster and KOO Tigers, so It’s bound to be exciting. You can watch above, on Twitch, on Azubu, or on LoL Esports.

Now playing

We’re 15 minutes into the League of Legends World Championship games of the day, and it’s already getting preeeeetty intense. Watch the Fnatic vs. EDG best-of-five matchup on YouTube (above), Twitch, or Azubu. Oh, Riot’s LoL Esports site. GL HF!