Yannick LeJacq's posts

Yannick LeJacq

Riot has concluded its investigation of the professional League of Legends player suspected of boosting accounts for cash, and decided to suspend him from the League Championship Series for seven months. Riot also found that he was negotiating “the sale of an unlocked account granted to LCS pros.” Read more

Hey Heroes of the Storm Abathur players, I need to ASKathur you a question. Sorry. I want to put together a guide for this strange, wonderful hero since he’s finally on free week (and because he’s notoriously difficult to master). Please let me know if you have any gameplay tips or build strategies to suggest. Thanks! Read more

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Track: Gz and Hustlas | Artist: Snoop Doggy Dogg (yes, this is before he shortened his name) | Album: Doggystyle

My personal favourite change is Fox getting his jab weakened because I have zero experience in that matchup. But now I’m not scared of getting jabbed at 50 and dying.” Red Bull interviewed Smash Bros. pros about the new patch, and they make some good points about what the character buffs mean for the game. Read more

Riot just announced a new blog/initiative to improve the way it communicates with League of Legends’ millions and millions of players. It’s called “Riot Pls” instead of “Rito Pls” for some reason. Read about their current priorities—including a better client!—in this introductory post. Read more

Today Riot revealed a buttload of changes it’s making to defensive items in League of Legends, starting with the upcoming 5.16 patch. That’s far enough off that we can’t say for sure how the tweaks will affect the game, but it looks like a lot of core pieces of armor are getting nerfed. So long tank meta? Read more

Now playing

Track: How Soon Is Now? | Artist: The Smiths | Album: Meat Is Murder (and others)