It's the most basic interaction in the game. Two players meet in the wastes, someone yells "I'M FRIENDLY I'M…
Highlight Reel is Kotaku's new feature that rounds up the best moments in gaming. Stunts, glitches, killsprees,…
It was bound to happen eventually. Someone mapped out Desert Golfing, removing all the holes and stitching it into…
Goblins getting you down? Tired of dying over and over again? Just sit down and take a load off! Don't worry, they…
It's time for another Highlight Reel, and today we're showing off a beautiful triple kill with a Sparrow in Destiny,…
If you haven't been following the League Worlds tournament, this weekend brings us the semifinals. Today's…
If you haven't been following the League Worlds tournament, this weekend brings us the semifinals. Today's…
The New York Times has an excellent article on how League of Legends has become the biggest competitive game in the…
NBA 2k15 has problems with face scanning, but that isn't all. It also lets you walk on water, levitate, or become…
Highlight Reel is Kotaku's new feature that rounds up the best moments in gaming. Stunts, glitches, killsprees,…
Track: Sandstorm | Artist: Darude | Album: Before The Storm
Oh god just look at it. Look at it standing there. All door-like. Also today, we've got clips from Call of Duty, Forz…
I wish I could say Bearzly inspires me to try harder at games like Dark Souls, but the truth is that I just feel…
If you want to play a prank on your friend using an exploit, you'd better actually know how to use that exploit. Also
The latest skin pack for the Xbox 360 version of Minecraft is Doctor Who, and the roller coaster that these players…
"We don't kiss our loved ones in the same way we kill our enemies". It's true. We also don't open our doors the way…
Traffic is bad enough when there are cars all around you. It's worse when they're on top of you and you're floating…
Deagle is OP? Fixed. Movement was better in BF3? Fixed. Something about netcode? Fixed. The latest patch for…
In addition to our usual roundup of amazing plays and glitches, this weekend's League of Legends tournament brought…