Steve Marinconz's discussions

Steve Marinconz

Personally, I'm not a fan of gore, but the slo-mo killcams are just so insane that I can't help but laugh every time. Read more

It's been a while since I replayed it, so I may have made it sound worse than it was, but my memories of v2 were mostly of frustration. I know the lkp ghost was there, but I meant it didn't work as clearly as it does in this version. Sorry if that wasn't clear. Read more

It's not a sniping simulation. Non-simulation games aren't designed to be "realistic" they're designed to be fun. 99% of people who play this game won't know anything about what you're talking about, but they know bullets drop over distances. If the game was designed to function at those distances, you'd be too far Read more

Are you actually sorry? I've been watching his stuff since I started playing Minecraft years ago, and he finds ways to do things with the game's mechanics that seem impossible. Before he started playing Minecraft, he was an engineer at Microsoft, and now he's turned making videos in Minecraft (not Let's Plays, but Read more

You're probably right, it's been a while and I just got caught up in making sure r0gu3 knew he was NOT RIGHT. Read more

Nope, just command blocks and MCEdit to copy paste since there are so many of them. Read more

It got used so much that that's the only way PR can tell people it's getting fixed. I do like that they put it in quotes in the announcement though. Read more

I think that's a bit generous :p
We should keep a list of all the people commenters say I look like so we can figure out what I really look like. Read more

Haha I like your disclaimer. But that's the price of getting the job to pay for cards, you have to do what gets more information! Read more

Yeah, we disenchanted a bunch, we ended up with enough to craft a legendary just from disenchanting dupes and goldens Read more