Steve Marinconz's discussions

Steve Marinconz

Wow! was this in Beta? Also, if you can still edit your comment, maybe remove a few of those videos and sum up the results? (If you link them on text, they won't embed, so your comment wont be huge) Read more

No, the problem is that the bullets are being FIRED after they're dead, not that they're mid-flight. Read more

Honestly, I was one of those players. I hadn't been playing because I was doing other things, not because my game was too broken. But when I jumped into CTE, it was like "WOAH THAT'S HOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO PLAY??" Read more

It was clearly a pretty big mistake, but remember how much more complicated Battlefield is than CoD or CS with destructible terrain, bullet drop, etc. That's why they're including an option to keep the tickrate low if your computer/internet can't handle it. Read more

Sorry. I think we moved the iPad after I lined up the shot and I didn't catch it :( Read more

Yeah, people have been commenting on that. I'm still new to the game, so I don't really have any experience with legendaries, but it kind of makes sense if you're confident in your deck, you could benefit from pressuring people to move faster when they aren't as familiar with their own drafted decks. Read more

The world is far less complicated than people tend to make it. We post them because people enjoy watching them. I enjoyed this video, it made me laugh, so I posted it. That's our job: show people cool stuff. Lots of commenters hate these particular videos, but there's always someone who hates something. The people who Read more

No AnimJack, the creators of the game are wrong too, it's all just WISHFUL THINKING, Aendron is the only one who really gets it. Read more

1- This explanation is always used because the tiny bit that time moves when you're standing still is irrelevant and not helpful to describing the concept of the game.
2- I'm actually hoping they change/fix that in the new version Read more

If you hit escape on the loading/main screen, it closes the game. So every time I die, I automatically left click and smash escape, then re-open the game and go again. Read more

If you beat the game, it loops back to 1-1. I've played a ton, and even though I've only gotten to the end of the 3rd world, I really love it. It's come a long way since the alpha I posted on the site. The only bug I've encountered involves the stupid steam overlay thing, but it doesn't actually affect anything in the Read more

I'm not sure what your question is. The game isn't finished. They're still adding new content, and I'd highly recommend the game. Read more

spolar's answer is technical and good, but I think another valid answer is just more more more. It's running all the antialiasing, plus downsampling!