We've seen what you can do to crank up the settings on an older game like Crysis 3, but Wolfenstein: The New Order is also looking pretty great.
Flickr users K-putt sent in these screenshots of the latest Wolfenstein game, and as usual, at a glance, some of them look more like concept art than screenshots.
The original screenshots are at resolutions as high as 9000 pixels wide, but amazingly, the game still ran (mostly) while rendering at that resolution:
The game was actually quite stable while i was taking those high-res screenhots. I even got 10fps at 6000x6000 with my HD7950. So there wasn't anything funny like driver crashes or bluescreens. Those only happened in BF4 for some reason.
It took me a while to get my cheat engine table running though. It still doesn't work properly. Falling though the world.. getting killed while stuck in walls etc. The only reason i didn't give up was because the game looks so good at some places. That's why i love the ID Tech 5 engine so much. The artist's could just paint the world.
The 1600px versions are embedded here, for the full-size versions (and many more shots) check out K-putt's flickr page.