Despite all my reservations I'm still gonna play the shit out of DAI, and heaven help my productivity whenever the Keep goes public. But yeah I agree with all of that. One of the big pluses on DA2 for me was that combat was minimized, dungeons were short, much more emphasis on conversation and hanging out than we… Read more
I mean it's case by case. I don't think big-ass game worlds are bad by definition. I think Red Dead rdemption is the best Rockstar game. I've greatly enjoyed wandering around Skyrim, particularly in the snow and icy parts in the north. But I also think devs sometimes make huge worlds only because it's an item on a… Read more
That's the other thing about these big open world exploration things I didn't discuss: they're always so full of content that the majority of players stop playing before they finish much of anything. It's a "make more shit than most people will ever want" kind of policy and that really sucks. Read more