Phil Owen's discussions

Phil Owen

Thank you so much, Patrick. I'll try to remember your words next time I have a bad day. Read more

The point I was making about SWTOR is that I perceived the change as being negative, but it really wasn't. It was just a change. Read more

My goodness. I am ell oh ell-ing right now. Read more

Speaking of exercise, I've found that Dance Central is a great outlet for me. I have a good time, and I get all sweaty, which means I'm doing it right. Read more

I've been told to "just get over it, breh" more times than I can count. For a long time, that sentiment made me feel worse. It's just not a constructive thought, and it certainly doesn't address the issue at hand. Read more

My Sentinel and Marauder are beasts. They destroy all, and they usually make me very happy because of that. That's why I had the negative reaction I described in the piece. The changes didn't immediately feel like they benefited me. Read more

I, too, don't usually play online for that same reason. But in SWTOR, I found a guild full of very nice and very helpful people who give me pointers when we're running operations and flashpoints when I don't know the boss fights, and they craft stuff for me, as well, to help me gear up. It's a great group of people, Read more