In 2008, Facebook was banned in China. Almost exactly a year later, Twitter was banned as well. With the removal of…
In 2008, Facebook was banned in China. Almost exactly a year later, Twitter was banned as well. With the removal of…
Last year, a young monk in his early 20s was arrested in the Qingpu district of Shanghai for stealing from another…
Chinese gamer and Saint Seiya superfan, Le Shui (not his real name), recently finished one of his life's goals, to…
Sick of playing Chinese games that involve historical fantasy or martial arts fantasy, I set out looking for a new…
Over the last few a days a story about a Chinese man returning stolen spacebar keys to an internet cafe has captured…
Playing hooky is pretty common. I did it, and I'm sure some of you have too. Interestingly enough in China, one 84…
Earlier this month, we reported that the Chinese State Administration for Film, Radio and Television (SARFT) came…
Last week, we posted some pictures that appeared on WIRED of Chinese cops burning and destroying gambling machines…
The Japanese manga and anime sensation about pirates, One Piece, is very popular here in China—so much so that it alm…
Chinese internet cafes get a lot of bad press in Western media, most of which involves young people gaming for days…
Chinese company recently came out with a new martial arts based MMO call the The Ninth Sutra (九阴真经).…
Every year over the past decade, China Joy has been delighting video game fans in and outside of China. The most…
Currently Chinese TV viewers (myself included) have very limited options when it comes to what to watch. The…
A Chinese man in the northern Shandong province of China sold off 38 kilograms worth of gold bars to fund his online…
The PlayStation Vita was released in Japan nine months ago and went sale around most of the world by this past…
It seems China can't get enough of motion control gaming, so much so that another Chinese company has come out to…
Chinese game company (Snail net...) announced at the China Joy game expo this week the official release of…
Earlier this month the official Chinese webpage for Diablo III went online, it created speculation that the game…
Many of my expatriate friends call Taiwan "China-lite", and to me, that really makes sense. Taiwan, unlike the…
Sometimes when something tragic happens in the United States, Chinese media (including Taiwan and Hong Kong) will…