Over the last few a days a story about a Chinese man returning stolen spacebar keys to an internet cafe has captured the attention China's online gaming message boards. The story is exactly what it sounds like: a Chinese man stole spacebar keys from his local internet cafe seven years ago and out of the blue he decided to return them to the internet cafe.
So why did the guysteal the keys in the first place? According to The People's Daily, the Chinese government mouth piece, the guy stole the keys because he was upset with the noise that they created when people were playing the online rhythm game Audition Dance Battle Online.
Pissed at the noise that was created by players bashing on their keyboards, the guy decided to do something about it: he removed the spacebar keys off the keyboards of every computer in the net cafe.
After holding onto the spacebars for the last seven years the guy decided that he needed to return them because he was getting married. Figuring that he was about to start a new life, he went back to the old internet cafe and dropped a stash of spacebars at the counter, shocking the owner and the nearby players.
"I had originally thought it was just vandalism," said the owner. "Because of this we had to put in more video cameras and replace the missing keys, sometimes we had to replace the whole keyboard."
It's unknown what happened to the reformed keyboard crook after he returned the spacebars. Hopefully, he gave the owner some money for the damages and grief he caused, especially if he's about to start a new life.
《劲舞团》玩家主动归还网吧数十个空格键 [人民日报]
(Top photo: Dariusz Urbanczyk | Shutterstock)
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