Eric Jou's saved articles

Eric Jou

My first job out of college, I was fired. I used two words with my editor that proved career limiting. I have quit

Holy shite, is that a troll or have spambots somehow become smarter? Read more

40 dollars a day? Becca is right^% my best friend cousin Ezekiel taught me how to make 7348 US dollars a month working at home serm üèce .com / walnught Read more

Reminds me of that scene in Lost in Translation where Bill Murray's character is on that TV show (the Johnny Carson of Japan) and he's signing off with the guy. They're both scrunched up in the mouth of the camera and making this heart-shape with their hands while saying something I couldn't understand.

Unfortunately, not many would have actually looked up the definition of "decimate" to get what you're talking about... Read more

Maybe I don't understand the whole Internet cafe thing, but for $820 to $1600 dollars, why can't you just buy a computer? Hell, with $820 you could could get a decent desktop with plenty of money to spare for a couple monthly internet bills (depending on the speed). Read more

Actually I believe the rumbler/vibration unit alone would fulfill the mechanical requirement ;) Read more

Her face, hairstyle and that dress just...impress me. She emits strength, dignity and purity. I wish she could replace my fast-food eating slob of a girlfriend. Read more

Now...I'm not too sure I understand the whole Flappy Bird thing. I haven't played the game, so while I might be in the dark, for potential employees of one Chinese tech company, Flappy Bird knowledge might just be the way into a job. Read more

Meanwhile, inside Wall Rose

The last frame reminds me of The Rock.

Since China is a huge reason the Kim dynasty continues, here are the top 5 North Korean games:

Finally a kotaku writer who likes Bioshock. Read more

Why The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds should be game of the year:
Because nobody else has nominated it, and it's better than the other games that have been nominated thus far :P
But seriously, it's great and it's my favorite new game that I have played this year.

Platform: 3DS