Eric Jou's discussions

Eric Jou

Hmmm...Prior to the launch it was fairly easy. But right before the launch and a little bit after, it was kind of hard to find. Think Phoenix Wright (or whatever game) at game stop. you'll have to go out of your way to get it but it's not hard to get.

My gray market guy (guy who i buy my games from) says that part of Read more

I hope so! I've got a pretty good accent, despite leaning more towards southern/Taiwanese. But it wouldn't accept most of my other colleagues. Surprisingly it took one of my female colleague's commands...and she kind of stutters. Read more

you kind of lost me, then again i'm really hungry right now, so i'm going to un grey your comment. Read more

of course, but at the same time, paying the guy who dunks 1million times more than the guy who cleans up the floor so the guy who dunks doesn't slip on his own sweat and break his neck isn't exactly right. I'm not saying people who work shouldn't get paid. I'm just saying there should be a slightly better way of Read more

I'm going into the article to fix it. Yes the China Xbox is locked to the China Region - no option to change region or language. I can't confirm 100% but my developer contacts say it is a requirement by the government. Read more

I would say 100% of the problems are government related. The reason for my disdain and disappointment is the fact that it feels MS rushed this. They wanted to make the one year mark of the announcement of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone. I would've held out for at least when I knew may stalwart titles got approved. Read more

I wouldn't call Naughty Kitties Jar Jar Binks. Its a good game. It's just not what one would expect for a console title. It would serve it better if it was labeled like an Xbox live game like Geometry Wars or a PSN game. It's not a marquee title. Read more

sure, you're right too! hence why i'm conflicted.

The thing that often happens is that these CEO's make so much money at the expense of the lower bottom workers. They also work the grunt work to make the company a success, no?

Think of Bee Hive. The queen gets everything but the drones are fed. Actually that's a bad Read more

I definitely agree with your assessment about teachers. but then again, you have institutes of higher education that pay that much to University presidents and people like Wesley Clark who are famous.

In my opinion, Politicians should make a decent wage - like say 150k a year, that way they don't suffer from being Read more

I kind of agree with this...I'm super conflicted about how i feel about pro gamers and poker players so i won't make a judgement.

I definitely feel that Pro-sports players should be paid, but not exorbitant amounts. Ditto with CEO's. Like if they've got that huge pay in Stock options, that's kind of a different story. Read more

he's there, just not dressed in the costume for that Arc, the guy cosplaying him's wearing his KazeKage uniform. Read more

I'm confused...This is China we're talking about. Though there may be some parallels to to Korea, its' still China. Read more

I agree, i oddly feel safer in China than I do in the US (in some aspects) Read more

I've been looking for cops with guns since they said they'd allow them to carry. I've yet to see on. Maybe it's the plainclothes guys who have them? saw a traffic cop get shoved yesterday on the Third Ring Road. Read more

Before the middle-aged comments takeover this thread, i'd just like to point out, all of these neck problems could be fixed by a little Giggity!

That said, I always felt middle-aged to be from 35-60 as a range. Like this is the longest range because this is when people are most productive towards society. I guess I Read more

I'd send you China candy, but it'd probably kill you =[ Read more

I got about 20 minutes before i couldn't anymore. I blinked T-T Read more