Eric Jou's discussions

Eric Jou

Whoa...Fatherhood sounds super expensive when you put it that way. I always thought the money went into med's and diapers. Read more

Well, he is based in Macao so baby formula wouldn't be too bad there. He could also get on the super cheap casino subsidised ferries Read more

Hahahahaaha Is that what Google Translate puts out?! It's actually not too off base from the source material! Read more

Dude!!!! Or Dudette! thank you for putting this out there! it's a shame i never thought to explain it myself. On top of that, you did is so succinctly! Read more

confused. is you're anger geared at me or China? Cause I don't hate Japan. China's hatred of japan is purely political too. Read more

My whole gaming life the last 5 years has been imports. Though, they were of course Hong Kong or American Imports.

Chinese Xbox One is region locked =[
PlayStation has been a god send while living abroad. Sony's decision to stop region locking the consoles post ps2 has helped me play loads of games. Since release in Read more

Me too! but yeah , this is totally badass. Read more

I could say that China's almost better at Capitalism than the west is! Jon Stewart said as much though Read more

Now playing

I can see what you mean in regards to the discomfort. You sort of allude to it in your post, about being divided between cultures with one said culture being missing.

You don't have to pick any one culture, perhaps I've always felt being American and something else wasn't mutually exclusive. I had a friend growing up,

I have not and will do so while i'm at work in the morning! Tab saved! Read more

Since you're stateside, you should meet a friend of mine, or maybe you already know him, you know the Asian connection. I'm not being racist here for anyone wondering, but there is seriously some kind of Kevin Bacon-esque 6 degrees of separation among Asians.

I don't know David in person but I was connected through Read more

It sounds like it wasn't intentional, but then again, they did set up the youku account to take videos from anyone, so hmmm. might've been an oversight in the users terms and conditions as well. Still, the more you know! Don't play camera related games in your skivvies Read more

Yeah, I don't cover the Japan stuff, I do only China since I'm based in China. I have a day job too which restricts travel time. I attend the major China stuff and occasionally some Tech stuff back State Side.

The numbers in Japan were much lower - like 25k T-T. Xbox is lost in Japan. Microsoft has said this themselves.
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Wait? What?! They had permission for their One Piece Clone? last I heard Toei gave DeNA all rights to One Piece in China including online and mobile!

Haven't played Zero? What's it like? Read more

sorry you feel that way? But if you're going to use the people to console sale ratio. 100k to 1.4 billion is 0.007 percent of the population. Compared to Japan the same population to sales ratio is 0.018.

That said, these ratios don't really account for much since they take into account the total population. China has Read more

not true. NetDragon has licenses and has made a Disney MMO and it's also made a CJ7 turn based game. If you want to say those are clones then you can make the same argument towards GameLoft and their movie tie-in games. Point is, they do make other games. Read more

I think it's a force of habit. =[ I'll try to fix that. I'll fix the article when I get more time on a full on computer today. As to the prevailing assumption, when you google differences between the too, skill shots constantly shows up, hence why I went with that. In reality both have way too much in common and i Read more

Yes! and one of the other characters has a skin that makes it look like Darth Vader! LIghtsaber and all! Read more

1) We never said Tencent owned Riot. Tencent owns the majority share of Riot. They did so in 2011 when they purchased the bulk of the shares. They operate LoL in China, which means they're Riot's Chinese partner similar to NetEase with Blizzard. Tencent has a majority stake in Riot*
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