They might be at odds in the live-action Thor movie and its accompanying video games, but there is one thing Norse god of mischief Loki and earth goddess Sif agree upon, and that's Mario Kart.
GamerLive.TV has posted a series of interviews with the stars of Thor, asking the cast of this week's big comic book movie what it was like working on the Thor: God of Thunder video game with Sega. They've captured lovely Sif actress Jaime Alexander admitting she would have worked on the game for free, while Loki's Tom Hiddleston calls the experience of seeing himself as a video game character somewhat weird. asked about their video game experience, both divine role-players admit a love for Nintendo's Mario Kart, while Thor himself (Chris Hemsworth) and Kat Dennings cite Donkey Kong as an early video game influence.
Thor hits theaters on May 6. The Thor: God of Thunder video game drops tomorrow.
Thor's Jaime Alexander Told Sega She'd Play Sif in the Video Game for Free [GamerLive.TV]