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Are You Ready For Some Big Playstation News?

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It's going to be a long day and a long night especially if you have any interest in the future of the Playstation Portable.

Although the subject of Sony's big press conference tonight is still officially a mystery, all signs point to the unveiling of the next Playstation Portable.

Way back last year we were being told that the new portable from Sony would be getting a January unveiling, and along comes this event. Good thing we have Ash in Japan, because he's going to be covering it for us live. Liveblogging the news from a conference that we're told is completely video free.


What's the big deal about the Playstation Portable 2? For one thing it could be the first big portable to include two thumbsticks, something even the fancy 3D-sporting 3DS from Nintendo doesn't offer. Here's a full run down of everything we currently know and suspect about the PSP 2. I'll wait while you read it.


Pretty exciting isn't it?

Of course, there's always the possibility, since this will be an hour and a half long press conference being put on by Sony Computer Entertainment's big brother, Sony, that they could stray into the realm of other things. Things like the PSP Phone. We have no reading on that, but who know's, anything is possible.


What we do know is that we'll be there live, covering the show from the front row of Sony's biggest news conference of 2011... so far. ;)

Stop by and follow along. I've listed our kick off times and when the pressers start below in a variety of time zones.


Check In and Liveblog Kick Off
Kotaku Time: 9:30 p.m., Jan 26
East Coast: 11:30 p.m., Jan. 26
West Coast: 8:30 p.m., Jan 26
Hawaii Coast: 6:30 p.m., Jan. 26
Japan: 1:30 p.m., Jan. 27
England: 4:30 a.m., Jan 27
Sydney, Australia: 3:30 p.m., Jan. 27

Presser Set to Start
Kotaku Time: 11 p.m., Jan 26
East Coast: 1 a.m., Jan. 27
West Coast: 10 p.m., Jan 26
Hawaii Coast: 8 p.m., Jan. 26
Japan: 3 p.m., Jan. 27
England: 6 a.m., Jan 27
Sydney, Australia: 5 p.m., Jan. 27


Until then tell us what you think will be happening tonight at Sony's big press conference.

What Will Be Happening With Sony Tonight?


Another big question? If a new Playstation Portable is announced, what will they be telling us? My money is on just going over the features and a few games. Maybe they'll give us a window for the launch, but I think the hard numbers will hit at E3.

What do you think?