In the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu, twenty four Japanese game companies were polled about the Nintendo Switch. Their answers may or may not surprise you.
Here are eight interesting questions (and answers) of Famitsu’s poll.
1. Are you developing any games for the Nintendo Switch?
Currently developing: 54 percent
Thinking about it now: 25 percent
Not developing: 17 percent
No answer: 4 percent
2. In the future, do you have plans to release any games [on the Switch]?
Yes: 46 percent
Thinking about it now: 46 percent
None at the moment: 4 percent
No answer: 4 percent
(Note the difference between those planning to release a Switch game and those developing Switch titles. Famitsu wonders if the difference is companies waiting to see how the Switch does before finalizing release plans. I wonder if these are multiplatform titles.)
3. After the Nintendo Switch reveal, do you feel that players are excited about it?
Yes: 50 percent
Can’t say either way: 38 percent
No: 8 percent
No answer: 4 percent
4. What’s your take on the price?
Appropriate: 67 percent
Cheap: 25 percent
Expensive: 4 percent
No answer: 4 percent
5. What are your thoughts about making the online paid?
No choice but to make it paid: 41 percent
If possible, wish it was free: 38 percent
Can’t say either way: 17 percent
No answer: 4 percent
6. Please state which functions and modes stand out. (Multiple responses were allowed for this question.)
Three different modes of playing: 14 votes
HD Rumble: 10 votes
Joy-Con: 9 votes
Two-player local play with the Joy-Con remotes: 8 votes
Motion IR Camera: 5 votes
Online Service (including smart device app): 4 votes
Local wireless play: 2 votes
One-button screenshot capture: 1 vote
No answer: 1 vote
7. What genres do you think suit [the Nintendo Switch]? (Multiple responses were allowed for this question.)
RPG: 18 votes
Action: 18 votes
Simulation: 14 votes
Puzzle: 14 votes
Racing: 14 votes
Adventure: 11 votes
Quiz: 11 votes
Simulator: 10 votes
FPS/TPS: 10 votes
Shooting: 7 votes
No answer: 1 vote
(Note: I’m guessing here “Simulation” refers to something like The Sims, while Simulator refers to, for example, a Japanese train simulator game. “Shooting” refers to games like Gradius, Ikaruga, Space Invaders, etc.)
8. What’s most important for the Nintendo Switch to catch on?
Solid games: 34 percent
System Sellers: 34 percent
Marketing: 8 percent
Something else: 20 percent
No answer: 4 percent
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