Initially released a little over a year ago, Bit-Blot's fanciful aquatic adventure game Aquaria is now available for purchase via Steam, with a special price available to folks who purchase before December 31st.
The winner of the 2007 Independent Game Festival's Seumas McNally Grand Prize, Aquaria tells the story of Naija, a lone aquatic dweller searching for her family in an underwater world filled with mystery, magic, music, and danger. It truly is a beautiful game, with some of the best music I've heard in an independent title, innovative music-based gameplay mechanics, gorgeous hand-drawn graphics, and an incredibly enchanting voice over performance.
While the game normally runs $19.99, it is now available on Steam for $15.99 through December 31st. If you've yet to play Aquaria and you have a PC capable of doing so, I highly recommend picking it up.
Aquaria On Steam [Steam - Thanks Jonas]